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My heart is bleeding my soul is on fire,

Holding you is my inner most desire.


The flame from this spark cannot be put out,

Water from the eyes filled with so much doubt.


Broken wings spread I try to fly,

Looking up to the stars head down I cry.


Broken heart betrayal no more lies,

No more pain flowing no more cries.


Ignorance hatred being mean to me,

Running fleeing leave me alone to see.


Hurt and in tears soul burning inside,

Feeling empty helpless have I died.


Praying hoping wishing you here,

Waiting coping sitting around another year.


Angels watch over me someone help me through,

Nothing helps this endless pain what can I do?


Arms are open my heart is still your heart,

I feel so betrayed empty worthless not smart.


Love me hold me kiss my lips with pride,

Here there everywhere but not by my side.


You come you stay you leave once again,

Then all these feelings come back then.


Stop it please stop this I cant take it anymore,

Please respect me and if you love me dont pretend im a chore.


If you dont love me please make sure you say,

Let me find happiness let me find my way.


Please stop the yelling please stop the lies,

Please stop this pain and stop the cries.


Please love me and hold me and kiss me so true,

Please act like yourself please be you.



Come back to life bring me above this dark deep pit,

Heal my heart because it is so split.


I love you I need you I miss you so bad,

Is there anyway in life to feel other then sad?


Somebody listen to me is anyone out there?

Someone please tell me does he really care?

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What a wonderful poem by a talented person. I wish there was a way to help you with the pain your experiencing but, only time will do that. You really should look into publishing some of your work. Its really awesome and I enjoy reading your work. It give me insight into what feelings your dealing with.


Keep writing... =D> BRAVO



Hubman 8)

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