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14 and 15 year olds talking about love

wing wha

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hey friends. i just turned 15 going into sophmore. i dont have a girl. or any of that. i of course have heard during my freshman year. people talking about dating and all that. most of it is probably a bunch of baloney. but iam wondering for most of you are older then me. if there really is love or anything or some sort of compassion to there so called girlfriends at 14 15 even 16. it seems that most of the time its not love but a bunch of kids yelling in the halls of school about jill breaking up with jack. it just seems that im defintiely not with the others. i think about girls but. the shy factor kills me. so i wonder if i was to get a girlfriend would i really apprecate what it means to have one. are the kids in my school really serious about what i think is really kids making up something to appear older. any of you with me on this one

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Yea, I was dating since I was about 12. I prolly did fall in love for the first time when I was 16. Yea, it can happen, and yea relations do last for long periods of time. I have 2 mutual friends who are both 18 who have dated for about 4 years. Yea, they can last, and yea, love can come of it (rarely, mind you), but it does happen. Also, most of it is just jill and jack breaking it off or jill and jack showing off that they can kiss each other. If you are not ready, fine, but don't try and impede on others. Perhaps you have not found someone who tickles your fancy.


On a side note, for when it does come around, your first girlfriend, don't get attached too fast. You will never forget your first girlfriend or your first love anyways, so don't add more to it than need be. I'm not saying don't persue it, just be careful.

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Meh, I wouldn't just call it teenage politics. For some, sure I agree. I say love around this age is all based on maturity. Most people don't really look forward in life so any relationships they have are just to be cool, popular, or go with the flow. However, if both people are mature about it and realize that the relationship could seriously be something more, they are there for each other even when times get rough, and they grow to become best friends, yeah you can have love. It's rare, but possible if you have the right type of people.

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hey im surprised its all guys answering this one. but for me, yes, love is very much possible at a young age, but as everyone has mentioned it is very rare. actually just recently all the couples around me have been discintergrating. its scary, me and my bf are very much in love, and have been dealing for almost 8 months now and he JUST turned 15. and i know that i love him and even if it doesnt work out, i will never forget him and that he has affected me in more ways then one. so dont be scared or hesitant about getting involved with a girl you like, but you should take my "signature" advice below. it does piss me off however the couples around me. it scares me that by the time im 18 all the guys i know will have stds and stuff lol because everybody changes partners so often and goes so far sexually without exploring one another mentally. so just make sure you really like the girl and just follow your heart. teenage love is probably one of the most intense and wonderful, yet one of the most devastating because it is true that its tough to keep them going long term. just follow your heart and be true to yourself. if you're not ready for a RELATIONSHIP thats fine, its good that you can admit that to yourself. but when the time comes then dont be doubtful of your feelings because of the age factor. generally speaking, love is not very likely at this age, but there are exceptions, and if you're mature enough you will be one.

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I go exactly with what goddess has said. And I especially like her "signature phrase." Don't be afraid you explore and HAVE relationships at a young age. It's all about learning what you want and what you like and what you are interested in. Life is just a huge learning experience, so just get out there and look, listen, and most importantly DO.

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I don't think love at that age is love. I still dont think I will know what love is till im older, like 25.

I would hate to fall in love, and would hate it even more to fall in love at like 15. Say you fall in love, and you stay with one person, your missing out on so much.

I think its just your body going through growing up or something. Love in my opinion is when you settle down with someone and get married etc.

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It IS love when you are fifteen. But it's just not TRUE love. People can be in love so many times in their life, but they are in true love when they find their soul mate. They don't have to get married to love either.

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honestly, i believe you can be in TRUE love without finding your SOULMATE. you know theres a guy from my childhood, we were so young, we didnt date or anything, but it was so wonderful and i know that he was my first love-a true love, if i could i wouldve married him lol. but age is an issue because it forces us to separate. because we have to plan our future and listen to our parents meaning moving or not dating. i have moved on, but he holds a special place in my heart forever. i think its a shame to put a number on something like this. like santa, sorry but how can you say you're missing out on things, you should consider yourself LUCKY if you can find that one person from a young age and not have to go through heart break. is having sex with many people really worth it? i dont regret loving that guy, it did hurt, but it has made me who i am today.

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