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What type of girl attracts you guys?

Double J

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I'm curious as to what type of girl really calls your attention, and which type you'd classify as a potential for a long-term relationship, whether it be the fun cheerleader or the quiet scholar type. Personally, I'm drawn to girls that are intelligent, no doubt. You know, the ones that are classy, witty, reserved, and definitely not one of those loose extrovert types. I like them to be down-to-earth and family-oriented, preferably. I guess you could say that I like the "librarian" good girl type, but that's just me. Nonetheless, I do enjoy having the more extroverted and playful ones as friends, because they're fun to be around. I want to read your opinions, guys.

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I know this is going to sound a little strange for a 20 something guy from KS to say, but if she loves the arts, then I'm almost sold there. Someone that loves the opera (and has the money to take me lol) is my kind of woman. I'm a poor collage kid that love good music and even better wine.


Putting the superficial things aside, the only thing that really sells me on someone is there relationship with God and understanding of love as a biblical principle and a choice instead of a feeling like most people classify it.

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I'm attracted to the girls who are somewhat shy, namely cause I am so open and out-going. Yea, opposites attract.

Long hair, light coloured, slim, a jeans and tee girl who can and will pretty up on occasion.

Has to be able to talk, not really smart or up to date with current issues, just one who can converse. The ability to be intimate (long term) is obviously an issue, and one who can distinguish intimacy from sexual instances is a must.


Hmm, that sounds a lot like someone I know...

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I am attracted to girls who are that "librarian" type you were reffering to earlier. I like a girl to have faith that the relationship will work out and not rely on only my faith that the relationship will survive. I need someone who is funny smart and able to carry a good conversation without it turning into an argument. I also don't like criticism from girls. I also like it when a girl can understand my quirks and can watch something like star wars with me without complaining the whole time about how stupid every little detail in the movie is. I'm really attracted to that down-home type of girl that you could take home to meet your parents yet still go out and have fun with. I also like a girl that can accept compliments....which seems strange that any woman wouldn't accept the fact that someone finds them incredibly gorgeous but it happens!!!!


My previous girlfriend had a lot of the great qualities but unfortunately she had some of the bad such as the arguing and the criticism...(and the not accepting compliments) thats probably why it didn't work out in the end. I loved her to death but the arguing just got to me so much that I needed out. You know what they say "live and learn".

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hey guys. well i noticed that all of you said you like quiet girls. i mean im a mix of differnt qualities but i am a flirtatious talkative girl. im smart and responsible and a bit of a nerd but im a real mix of qualities. i mean my bf is SUPER SHY, turns red at everything. but he said that he couldnt be with me if i didnt talk, its just do all of you prefer the shy quiet girl who pretends like shes a delicate flower? i mean i realize that everybody has diff tastes, but it seems like everybody here is saying someone quiet. im just wondering if all guys like the general typical girl of being shy and quiet. if thats something that is necessary. oh ya, and about accepting compliments, honestly for most of us girls that "dont" its because we dont want to come accross as stuck up, its not because we have a low self confidence, well some of us anyways lol. but btw, ill admit that i like a guy thats shy, but ive been attracted to guys that are not and are flirtatious like me lol, so i mean im just wondering if the quiet/shy girl is a necessity.

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I prefer girls that are opposite to my personality they don't have to be confident but i do prefer it. I like smart, responsible, mature and knows what she wants sort of girl looks are not that important but pretty is essential.


As for hair i don't really mind but i'd prefer medium/long hair, i don't mind girls that wear make up just not too much.


- whitefang

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well i go for girls that have nice eyes, sounds stupid but if they got really beautiful eyes, then am gonna come for you hehehe, i also like girls that are a challage or when you think you know then suddenly they can change like my girl, she acts all innocent one minute the next she can turn into a really randy girl its great, o o o o and if they take me by surprise like when you out n abou t and they suddenly do something that you wouldnt expect them to do in public

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Good looking girls, who arn't easy, and are kinda of shy.

I find it easier with the more assertive girls, like the cheerleader kind of girl, who will just come out and tell you they like you, and that makes you feel good, but then if they are like that with others, it doesnt mean as much. So I guess I like shy/smart girls that are good looking the best, because I guess they would be a harder catch, and more likely to be loyal, and have more meaning to what they say, and probably wont mess you around.

Girls that go around flirting all the time being loud arn't my type at all. Shallow yes, but looks as a fair bit to play with me, just so long as they arn't too good looking... I guess so I find them attractive but I still feel like I have a chance.

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I'm curious also, as goddess23 is...you all like the shy quiet type??? A lot of guys I know like it just the opposite, but that's probably because the guys I know are the shy ones and want girls to make the first move so that way they don't make a "donkey" out of themselves. I like both, shy guys and flirtatious guys. The thing is...with shy guys, the girl pretty much has ALL the control (if she's an out going girl) and with out going guys the control is more shared.

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Wow, all these guys seem to be into the quieter, more sensitive ladies. That gives me a small bit of hope. I'm an intellectual artsy type, who is very reserved and shy. Most of the guys I know seem to be drawn to the loud, flamboyently dressed ladies who typically can be found in the bar scenes. (We are talking an age group of mid to upper 20's). It's good to hear not all men are like that though.

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Not at all, Cassie. A lot of us guys wish to avoid meeting girls in the bar scene, because we normally associate that type of setting with overly flamboyant/extroverted girls. That's why some guys have resorted to other methods; most notably, online dating. I personally think that guys who like to boast about having "Fun" for most of their lives and then wanting to settle down with a virgin are hypocrites. The good guys deserve those girls. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the more outgoing and adventurous girls. On the contrary - those are very fun to be with as friends.

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hehehe i think i started my own topic, but i really am curious. just because we're outspoken and not quiet or shy doesnt mean we're the bar scene type girls who arent "good". its just i know that i seem to intimidate guys but alot of them like me as well. its just its really confusing, and it still seems like guys feel its bad if a girl is like that.

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I didn't say that an outgoing and adventurous girl wouldn't be good as a girlfriend. It all depends on the guy and what suits him - different strokes for different folks. I honestly think the more outgoing a girl is, the more outgoing the guy she belongs with should be. Otherwise, there are going to be problems and disagreements. For example, if a guy wants to stay home on a Friday night with his girlfriend watching rented videos but she insists on going clubbing, you know there is going to be conflict. Obviously people can change over time too.

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Alright. Explanation of the quiet type...


Why do guys like it? Probably an insecure thing for some, as males feel a need to take charge, and it is difficult to take charge when both parties are trying to do so. It's like racing a straight away in identical cars with identical driving abilities, no one can take the lead. For others, it could just be they don't want someone who is talking about everything, they see her as a better mate, less likely to cheat or fraternize with the enemies (other males). These same males could be the jealous type and not want that (I'm scowling my brain for reasons).


My reasons for liking the quiet girls are simple. I went out with enough of the loud ones to know that with me that simply doesn't work. I'm too open yet enjoy silence too much to tolerate having to hear why she choose to wear those shoes with that ribbon under the particular weather conditions.


Anyone else wanna try and explain?

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ok, i understand that. but im not talking about girls that talk about nonsense, that would piss anybody off. ill admit that if im nervous that ill end up talking just so that there arent any awkward silences. but i mean if a girl is talkative and outgoing or flirtatious, it doesnt mean that she talks about stupid stuff, i just thought that some guys like the fact that the girl talks and they dont have to think about the conversation.


i understand the logic behind the threatening part of it, and taking charge, those were very good explanations and totally gave me some answers. so thanx very much, that totally helps, but im surprised that it seems that there are more pros to the quiet girl vs the loud girl. if anyone has any more comments its very much welcome but that was a very good explanation.

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Personally, I'm drawn to girls that are intelligent, no doubt. You know, the ones that are classy, witty, reserved, and definitely not one of those loose extrovert types. I like them to be down-to-earth and family-oriented, preferably. I guess you could say that I like the "librarian" good girl type, but that's just me. Nonetheless, I do enjoy having the more extroverted and playful ones as friends, because they're fun to be around. I want to read your opinions, guys.


That's me as well

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i'm attraced to girls who are nice, careing and comfortable with themselves...i don't like it when girls where to much makeup its like saying i don't like my face lets put on a new one.....and i like girls that don't care what other ppl think of them....yeh and i've gotta admit i've got a thing for tall girls....hehe..thats one thing i die for......cuz i'm only 14 and already 6F 2' n e who...check ya l8er!!!!

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