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Girlfriend left me and now wants baby with new boyfriend


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Hi Guys,


Dont worry i am not in pain anymore, my girlfriend of 2 years split with me a month or so ago, and i went through a hard time, but i've gotten over that pain phase, mainly because we were prolly in a bad spot many months before we split.


Im kind of concerned however for my ex girlfriend because i know i was a good boyfriend, i just lacked the ability to show my feelings, which is what she was dying for, and a new guy came along who had that ability. Im fact, since theyve been dating his (4 weeks now) shes already told me shes wants his baby, wants to move in with him and yeah other stuff.


Should i be concerned?


When we split, i prity much just cut her out of my life straight away because she told me she liked this other guy that she recently got to know. I did tell her to take it slow, but shes going very fast i think.


Whats the psychology behind this? I know shes being silly, but id like to hear some more feedback.


I am 22 male, Shes 18 year old female. The guy i think is like 19 or something, he also just came out of a relationship of many years.


He also seems to be quite a controlling, and paranoid guy and his really really jumping into this, and shes seems to be happy to go with it.


Its kinda confusing. I dont know what to make of it, and im surprised none of her friends havent said anything (im assuming they havent judging on what shes told me).


I donno, i guess im just looking for some answers here, i am trying to be neutral and just stating the facts.


Im worried about her.

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Yeah you make a good point. I have basically done NC since we split, except today when we exchanged some basic stuff that she kept asking for and she practically bragged about her new man.


I said to her ill drop her an email at end of the year, so 8 months from now for a catch up.

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yeah your right she is naive and lacks alot of self-esteem, which is weird cause shes really attractive but i dont know much about that sort of thing.


Whats your predictions where she will end up in a few years time?

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