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Guy from work... we were talking all the time, now he suddenly stops?

Ritz Maidge

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I started casually talking to a guy from work about a month or so ago. For the past three weeks, he would text me every single day... usually he would start around 7-8 in the morning, and keep it up throughout the day until we saw each other at work.


This past Thursday, he sent me a text asking if I wanted to hang out for a bit. I said ok, and asked him where/what time. I get a reply from him 20 minutes later saying, "too late, I'm going to sleep now." And that was that.


The next day, he sent me a text around 1 in the afternoon - "Hey, what's up?" I didn't reply. An hour later, he sends me another text - "You must be mad at me, huh?" I still didn't reply. That night at work, he asked why I was mad... and I told him that he made a really bull * * * * move that I didn't appreciate, by asking me if I wanted to hang out, and then saying nevermind. He apologized for this, said he wasn't trying to upset me, but that he just got tired. I forgave me - who's to say that wasn't the truth?


Anyways, I haven't heard from him at all since Friday... except once yesterday morning, when he said "thanks" in response to the 'Happy Birthday' text I sent him. He didn't even text me this morning like he has every morning for the past three weeks.


I have no intentions of texting him. If he doesn't want to talk to me, that's his problem. But it pisses me off like no other that I don't know WHY he suddenly doesn't want to talk to me. I have to see him in a few hours when I go to work... I'll probably just do like I always do when I get mad at somebody: the silent treatment. But I hate to do this. I would like answers. I just don't know if it's wise to ask him why he's being such an a$$hole now?

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Well it was silly of you to get "mad", as in not reply two texts in a row, simply because he pulled what seemed like a joke on you and stuff. There is NO commitment in the relationship and you're ALREADY getting mad. You could have said to him something funny or something mean but at least explain why you're mad. He's doing the same to you - not telling you why he's mad. If I was him, I would have run the other way too. You should just brush it off and stop worrying about it too much. No silent treatment, not anything, just stop talking to him.

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