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The dreaded text message


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Ok. So I have this friend, I've known him for about 3/4 years now. He's a very close friend of mine, and every girl he has gone out with seems to hold some sort of hatred against me, simply because I'm close friends with him, but theres never ever been anything going on between us. I have liked him for the past few months now, and I've wanted to tell him but could never find the right moment. It especially made it harder to tell him when he started going out with this girl, and he's still seeing her now, they have been going out for a few months. But sometimes he does get flirty with me by text, and he does compliment me a lot on my physical appearance and stuff, but maybe hes just being nice. Anyways I asked the advice of some of my friends whether I should tell him or not, because I didn't want to tell him simply because of him having a gf. Anyways I thought to myself, "if I don't do this now, then I never will" so reluctantly I texted him telling him I like him as more than a friend, but I never got a reply.


Probably said it all by not texting me, and I think its good one way so he didnt have to send an awkward reply to me, but also bad because he never showed a reaction. I have to see him at college tomorrow and I don't know how to act, or if I should speak to him or ask him why he never replied. What should I do? ](*,)

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Having a girlfriend or not, if the feelings are inside of him they'll come out sometime. At least now he knows. You may have hoped for a different result, but at least now you know what the answer is for the time being and can move away from it. You don't really have to do anything else, and don't ask why he didn't reply. If he wants to respond or talk about it, he will.

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I have to see him at college tomorrow and I don't know how to act, or if I should speak to him or ask him why he never replied. What should I do?

I say do nothing. I think your timing was really really bad (considering he has a girlfriend) and probably has a lot to do with his lack of response. You put him in a really awkward situation and he most likely has no idea what to say to you now. If he was single, I think you may have had a different result. I say leave it be. If he has anything to say to you, he'll come to you and say it.

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Hmm. He didn't speak to me today, didn't even look it my direction.

Iknow it was bad timing because he has a girlfriend but I didn't expect a wonderful reaction, but I at least thought he'd speak to me

deary me. I'll see what happens anyways

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm not paranoid now, he walked straight past me in the corridor, and it was a small corridor so he OBVIOUSLY saw me, I don't understand why he is reacting like this? I know it wasn't good timing but theres no need to ignore me

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He has a gf, how would you like it some girl hit on your bf? Secondly, my most recent ex was my best friend before we started dating and let me tell you it's not worth it. Not only do you lose someone you love, you lose your best friend.

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