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"if you had me, i'd actually be there."

"maybe i'm just doing this until something better comes along!"

"if you had a nice bed / a puppy, i'd actually want to come see you."

"i'm not going to come out there just to get bored and go home. we need a set-plan for me to come hang out with you!"

"maybe you just need to try harder."

"without trust, there's no relationship." (then a few months later, i get lied to about a guy.)

"oh please. i have you wrapped around my finger."

"you know you can't let me go that easily."

"no, i haven't made my decision! I wanted you to demand my attention, take control and make more plans." (yet everytime i wanted to make plans, i got turned down, or she 'couldnt make it' at the last second.)

"I don't know, why are you taking off? I don't want to go into the city for a whole day just to get bored and want to go home." (this was her idea. i took off from work for a day to take her out... never happened.)

"ugh. i kinda wanted to go out with people......" (because hanging out with me sucks, right?)

"I just got back from a date! you jealous?! huh? huh?!?!"

"well you didn't get a puppy. why would i care?!"

"my dogs are the only things that mean anything to me."

"if you got a puppy, that would give me an excuse to come see you."

"i was gonna come out and see you today, but i got caught up cleaning. now i'm shopping online lol"

"biggest mistake of your life." (when I told her we needed to stop talking for a while)

"dude its my birthday and i demand to see you!"

"i never said it would be on my birthday...." (when i didn't get to see her, after she demanded it. oh yeah, cuz she spent it with some guy.)

"hope you're enjoying your mistake."

"I'm still mad you're trying to replace me!"

"you're like a psycho girlfriend. you sent me this ridiculous letter." (which contained my honest feelings; and telling her we needed to cut contact.)

"i don't even know why i talk to you."

"you're a fcking ashole. go fck yourself."

"you're throwing away years of friendship for nothing! i did nothing wrong." (after leading me on for 9 months. not seeing me for 3 of those months; and lying to me about her friend.)

"obviously you're looking at **guys name** facebook page. good job * * * * . that's my cousin. hope you're real proud of yourself." (note: not her cousin.)

"no, i DONT want to give it a real go. i can't give you want you want right now. i'm not ready. we discussed this already." (when we never did.)


some of these were just "jokes" -- these are comments she's said over the last year and a half. the last one was the last time we had an actual conversation. been NC ever since.


clearly, there's no real respect for me at all........ right?


Just venting. Thinking about all the crap she's said that made me feel like I wasn't worth anything.

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well, understood. but i doubt anyone here will validate her, or even ask what part you played in making her say the things she did. i have a list too. people can be totally uncaring and self-centered. you'll be fine, just stay NC, or we'll all seek you out, tie you up, and sing some of those quotes to you in old school gregorian chant style.

you deserve better human contact than the likes of her mon.

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I know. I don't plan on it. I hate myself so much for putting up with this crap for a year and a half. Now I'm afraid that every woman on the planet is like this.


NOt many hellspawn walk around the earth man. This chick probably defined toxic. I don't think I've even heard of something like this in my 25 years.

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I know. I don't plan on it. I hate myself so much for putting up with this crap for a year and a half. Now I'm afraid that every woman on the planet is like this.

The healing starts when you forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be vulnerable and opening up to her. Know that you ARE worthy and you WILL find somebody who will worthy of what you have to offer.

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Run, run far away and never return to her. Completely disappear from her life. She is manipulative and controlling. She has more problems than my ex had I think the suggestions are pretty unanimous lol. Continue to stay in NC, you need to heal from this. I know how you are feeling, you have been extremely emotionally abused from this psycho woman. Run

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unfortunately, it has deterred me. she was never like this, in the 7 years ive known her... just in the last year and a half when i started showing interest.


Well, you have two options. You take a risk and meet more women and let yourself trust again, or you continue to torture yourself over this chick. She clearly scarred you. That would scar me too. But I would eventually realize she's a crackpot. I hope you come to that realization too.

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unfortunately, it has deterred me. she was never like this, in the 7 years ive known her... just in the last year and a half when i started showing interest.


that's a choice you make. realistically, and 1/1000000 is about right, there are no more women you will meet in your life that will treat you like that. and if you do meet another, turn around, run, and go buy a Powerball ticket. Not trying to be flippant, but man, i've been with some loons, and your ex takes the cake. We all need to believe in something better.

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that's a choice you make. realistically, and 1/1000000 is about right, there are no more women you will meet in your life that will treat you like that. and if you do meet another, turn around, run, and go buy a Powerball ticket.


Then prepare to get struck by lightning on the way out of the convenience store.


We don't to be making light of your situation, but hopefully this will make you realize how ridiculous and crazy this girl is.

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i know how crazy she is.... i just... cant believe myself. i knew so much better than this! i'm disgusted with myself.

i AM scarred. i can't trust anyone anymore. i'm more than hurt.


moving on will take years.

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i know how crazy she is.... i just... cant believe myself. i knew so much better than this! i'm disgusted with myself.

i AM scarred. i can't trust anyone anymore. i'm more than hurt.


moving on will take years.


Live and learn baby. That's what we're all doing. You'll get past it. *cliche warning* work on yourself, distract yourself. Clearly your self esteem is way down, gotta get that back up. EVerything else will fall into place.

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how can someone get their self-esteem back after going through this?

my self esteem is hiding in the rat-hole right now. i can't even get it to look at the light.


Okay, first of all, you need to realize that this has nothing to do with you. This chick is CRAZY. Like, chemicals in her brain aren't working properly. THIS WAS NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!! Accept that. Don't blame yourself.


Second, go work out. Go socialize with friends, whatever. Meet new people. Take up a hobby. Run around the block hitting trees with other, smaller trees. Do whatever makes you happy, treat yourself. It just takes time man. If need be, see a therapist if you can afford one. They can be major help.

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