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If a girl cooked for you...


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The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, they say. But is there any actual truth to that?


This is just a hypothetical situation, as I still haven't found a man I'm romantically interested in yet. Guys, what would you think of a girl bringing you a pot of homemade soup or stew? Or surprising you with a batch of cookies?


I'm asking this because I'm not that good with words or conversation, I'm very quiet. Sure I can have a friendly conversation, but I just don't really know how to flirt. But I like to show my affections by giving/sharing food. That might be a little too intimate, though...maybe...


Imagine you're living in an apartment building. This girl is your new neighbor, and she brings a pot of stew to you, saying she made too much for herself. How close would you have to be with that girl for it to not be weird? And how would you see it?

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Well firstly, Im sinlge , so you can bring me some cookies or stew if you want!! Do you want my address?


I am a bit of a foodie myself, and I can honestly say I would love it if a woman brought me some food over, providing we were all ready on a friendly conversation level. But I would prefer it more if, she brought the food over (enough to share) and joined me in eating it. Just friendly, but it would be a great opportunity to get to know the woman on a more personal level...and would likely be quite good fun!


Then again everyone is different, for me it would be a definite thumbs up

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stew no

pie yes

soup no

cookies yes


not sure why, but that's my gut instinct *baboomch*


if you bump into a new neighbour, casually ask if they'd like to join you for dinner one evening to have a chat and learn more about the area for example?


it's a very nice ice-breaker, but it's not a substitute for flirting. Sorry!

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Imagine you're living in an apartment building. This girl is your new neighbor, and she brings a pot of stew to you, saying she made too much for herself. How close would you have to be with that girl for it to not be weird? And how would you see it?


First of all, I need to have talked or had a conversation with the girl in the past. Or have been friendly with each other.


If she is a girl whom I have never talked to, and she randomly birngs me a pot of stew, then that would be extemely awkward and weird. Like..."Err, thanks for the stew. What's your name?"



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The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, they say. But is there any actual truth to that?

It's true. The rib cage doesn't get in the way if you stab him there.


As for bringing food, there's a 50/50 chance I'd completely miss it's intended as flirting, since it's a cliche to bring over food as a housewarming gift. Not that I've every received such, but I've certainly heard about it often enough. You can treat the food as an icebreaker to start a conversation, but I wouldn't rely on it by itself.

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I love to cook and I love food so if a girl I was dating or had an attraction to brought me food I liked I would be one happy camper! However, if I was not attracted to her, all the food in the world wouldn't win me over so there has to be something there for it to work. With that said, if there is any initial physical attraction cookies would definitely guarantee a first date!


I think this would be true of most guys. Just make sure you introduce yourself first and make some excuse to give them food. Most guys love free food.


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I'd feel bad if a girl cooked for me. Unless it was a kind of "made 4 dozen cookies for a party and nobody ate any" scenario, I'd feel bad.


I'd also feel put on the spot if my neighbor was putting me in that situation. What if you two ended up forming a relationship that ended poorly 4 months later? You'd have to freaking live next to him! That'd be so awful.

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oh my godddd i love this thread for so many reasons, let me tell you!


ok.. i hang around a TON of musicians, all single and of course flirt with everyone, and i took a batch of cookies i made to one of their cd release shows. I put them on the table, and i walked away. not only did all the cds sell, more drinks were bought, and everyone was in a killer mood. every guy who came up to the table asked where they came from. and since then i've had a pretty steady flow of people coming back to shows for music and cookies.


my guy friends LOVE whenever i bring them something homemade. there's something about taking the time to make something special for someone, and i think the guy really appreciates it, plus its free food, and i havent met a guy yet who turned down cookies.


I think its just very thoughtful, and a fun date idea is to cook together. if you wanna cook for him, thats okay too. i love doing that for my guy friends.


i also think its nice, when you take food to a new neighbor, welcome them to the complex. my neighbor did that, brought my roomie and i a plate of cookies and welcomed us to the block. or you can write a nice letter. it'll be a nice way to work on your communication skills

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First of all, I need to have talked or had a conversation with the girl in the past. Or have been friendly with each other.


If she is a girl whom I have never talked to, and she randomly birngs me a pot of stew, then that would be extemely awkward and weird. Like..."Err, thanks for the stew. What's your name?"




Yep, yep & yep! I can only imagine standing in the guy's shoes and thinking: "awkward!" ..but each to their own!

I just imagine reversing it, it would feel weird to me. Ask me out for a meal, yeah.. but don't bring me food..!


I have briefly thought to give a guy some home- made food I thought he would like, and even though I know what sort of food he likes, it just felt premature at the time, like the sort of thing a gf would do!! Don't ask me why, it just feels more intimate, like I've known the person awhile.. so I have to agree with d24..

Oh yeah.. and whats with guys and American cookies! They are crazy about them over here!

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Thank you, everyone, for the feedback :splat:


LOL, I never intended to give someone food when I'm still practically a stranger. Even I knew that would be awkward.


This was just an idea I had, and I figured I might as well ask about it before I actually do it.


Well, the icebreaker thing was my main concern, but I guess in flirting I'll just have to swallow my pride and try the "normal" way.


...and to the guy with the glasses who took his picture in the mirror (I can't recall your name at the moment), wow. I never thought of it that way. By neighbor I was just thinking living down the hall, on another floor or something. I know it's a bad idea to date coworkers, but is it really a bad idea to go out with someone who lives in the same building as you?

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Thank you, everyone, for the feedback


Great thread! I enjoyed the cringe-factor feeling I got at my fantasy ideas of making a beautiful meal for this guy who likes me to "save the day" when he didn't have time to grab lunch.. huh! .,yeah sure! ..until I remembered a major part of the equation ..he was a supremely skilled cook who would put me in the shadows.. (I am mediocre, to say the least) ha! LOL

I know I shouldn't have let it dash my confidence but I really felt he needed more conversation rather than me cooking a full-on meal for him which, in my eyes, assumed a level of intimacy with him that felt consistent with a LTR!! ..as in - married coupledom! ..but also, which I also realised that - while caring - was a subsitute for dealing with my fear of talking to him.. which I wanted far more than I wanted to cook a meal for him..!

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