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She broke up, will she come back?


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Pirandello, I would like to share my friendly NC message which I wrote to her after NC day 11. The tone and content of the letter is a product of the advices that I recceived on this thread..I have kept the sentences that I borrowed from my readings on other threads and from the safety and the lizard article between quote marks.


I would like to know if this kind of message keeps the door open for her to come back, one day, if she realizes she still have deep feelings for me. Do you think sending this message would have positive or negative effect?

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In my case i feel like it's too late, 5 weeks is a long time, and whatever i write in that final email, it won't change anything.


Pirandello, I think the only time it would be too late to do something is when we die... so as long as we live the question remains how and in what way can we put things right...

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Look guys. We've all heard of free will, right? Do you really understand what that truly is? Free will goes beyond a power of choice. Positive thinking, and believing in what you want goes further then you realize. I believe in a higher power, I choose to call it God. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of the universe. I believe I can do all things through Christ. I believe if I ask, I shall receive. I believe I can have whatever I really choose to want because I will it. But I'm not always so good at the specifics. I leave out a lot when I'm asking Lol.

This isn't a post about God, or religion....so lets not go there. I'm just pointing out that I believe there are several factors in this universe to give me my hearts desire. Its hard to stay positive all the time when our worlds been ripped away in one small sweep....but get back up, and refocus on what you want.


Anyway...here are a couple of articles if you wanna read up on some of what I'm talking about.

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Thank you for the links doyathing


I believe I can do all things through Christ. I believe if I ask, I shall receive. I believe I can have whatever I really choose to want because I will it. But I'm not always so good at the specifics. I leave out a lot when I'm asking Lol.



I agree with what you said and would like to add this to keep it in context:



"So I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Luke 11:9



so maybe we have ask the right question, once the right answer is given, we have to seek the right opportunity/ person, and once we find them, we have to knock at their door/ heart...


so it really goes beyond asking to being more proactive... and the problem is when we ask the wrong question or even when we ask the right question but the answer is not to our liking, so we start seeking the wrong opportunity/person and when find that wrong person we insist chasing/ knocking at the wrong door... in other words 'barking of the wrong tree'


and sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of all this... we start seeking and knocking even before we ask what is it that we really want and whether it is good for all those concerned...


does that make sense?

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Hi resilient, how is NC going for you? Did she try to contact you?


Hi Pirandello, I hope you had a good weekend.. it is my Day 5 NC...no she didn't try to contact me.. anyway in my last message to her I told her 'I will keep her posted about my work..' so she must be expecting a message from me... of course I am not going to send her any messages anymore...


bytheway, do you remember the article that you asked me to read? the one about the law of attraction.. this is what it says at one point:


Write a letter telling her that you apologize for what you did wrong during the relationship and that you put the responsibility of your happiness on her shoulders and that was unfair.


I have been scolded in here the last couple of days for thinking about doing such things... man we are being called names here.. wuss, doormats, betaness, and all kind of bad names.. I think it is enough to lose dignity once in a lifetime.. so I am going to maintain the NC indefinitely, at least to prove to myself otherwise...


Today I was tempted to send her a short message to watch certain movie that came up and which is very relevant to the relationship issue and how one should fight to keep his love.. but the guy in the movie was a senator... well if i were a senator I wouldn't have a problem getting her back anyway..

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Dont listen to those who are jaded around here. Most are only trying to be supportive, and give you strength, but YOU need to do what YOU feel is best. I listen to what others have to say, but I do what I feel I need to do.


Thank you doyathink for your continuous support... I do appreciate all the advices that I received here as they did give me strength and I am going for long term NC..


The only part that I didn't like is telling me that "I should not have shown my true emotions to her immediatley after break-up"... I do not regret letting her know how I honestly felt.. I think there is no shame in me showing her those intimate feelings.. afterall she did share with me her intimate feelings before... it does not make a man less of a man to tell the truth, indeed it is alpha enough to admit the truth to whom we consider special people to us... if she thought that was unattractive of me to do so, it means she is undermining her own attractiveness and her own selfworth...


people need to read more history to understand...or maybe listen to some break-up music... nonetheless, I do not doubt their good intentions...

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