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ex just called but i didn't pick up

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i talked to my ex about a week ago (on Sunday) for the first time since our breakup which was the Sunday before. He said the last time I talked to him that he would call in a couple of days, and now it's Friday. I hung in there. He just called my cell phone and left a message saying "Hey, It's Satan (ok, his name is Don), I was just calling to touch base with you and see how everything is going. I'll be at my house until about 1:30 then I'm going to see a movie. You can call me before then. Ok, well talk to you later." Ok, so what does all this mean? The last time we talked it was a little awkward but mostly pleasant. Everyone, i mean EVERYONE, that I work with and am friends with say "Don't call him. He may not call within the next day or week, but he'll call eventually because the curiosity will kill him." The thing is, I was just reading the "How to Get your Ex Back" manual and it says that if you ex initiates contact to talk to him but keep it pleasant and light, and under 15 minutes. it also says don't talk about the relationship or anything serious at this point. so what is the right thing to do at this point? do i ignore his call and let him sweat it out, or do i call and say everything's fine and i'll be in touch later. HELP SOMEONE!!

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I agree. Don't call him back. His message was not one of sincerity. It sounded like more of a guilt trip call.


If he persists and makes a little bit more effort to be respectful of the time frame he promises, then I'd probably talk to him briefly. But ACT HAPPY and BUSY, and YOU end the call by saying you need to be somewhere at a certain time.


Good luck!

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Make that 3 concurrances.. You really should just ignore the call... Curiosity killed the cat... Satisfaction brought him back..


Just don't be the one who the curiosity kills and make the phone call... Be strong... He'll call back.

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I totally agree. If/When he calls seem happy and busy. Try to actually keep yourself as busy and happy as possible (hard I know). Try to know what you want from the interaction before it happens and what this means you will have to say. Don't let him control the situation or have all the power. You will not get any answers or anything but stepped on that way. Good luck.

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Depends if you want him back. If you do then talk to him, if you dont then have no contact. Dont call him back it just leads to more hurt and it is really hard to be just "friends" when emotions are still running high. This idle banter back and forth just makes it harder for you to let go because in the back of your mind you keep telling yourself that they want to get back together. Dont do unless he wants to talk about getting back together, then you need to decide what you want.

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