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Some girls are not very emotional..

Double J

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Let's just say that after discovering this the hard way, it helped me to become a much stronger individual, and of course, I don't show my emotions as much anymore. I was with a girl I cared deeply about for quite some time (it's already in the past), and she had an obvious inclination towards hiding her emotions. I don't know why, but I've come accross several girls that seem this way. I would be very expressive about my emotions with her, but she didn't seem to reciprocate that - sometimes I felt like she kept things bottled inside. This was a major reason why it never worked out with her. I like for girls to show their emotions, but I guess some are so insecure about getting hurt that they prefer to put up a rather cold and aloof front.


I also learned that a guy being "emotional" leads him to come accross as being rather wimpy, insecure, or clingy. Guys, it's ok to say you miss her and you love her once in a while, but don't overdo it. Girls seem to get tired of it real fast, because remember, being "too nice" gets you nowhere.

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I also learned that a guy being "emotional" leads him to come accross as being rather wimpy, insecure, or clingy. Guys, it's ok to say you miss her and you love her once in a while, but don't overdo it. Girls seem to get tired of it real fast, because remember, being "too nice" gets you nowhere.


Well it sux that you had to learn that the hard way but that is some level-headed advice. Guy's cant act as emotional beause it makes them look like a wuss. But to little and you seem to be a "Stereo-typical male". I hope you do better next time. just be glad you learned were you went wrong.

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I dont know about ALL women out there, but I will agree wholeheartedly that I DO NOT like a man to act too emotional. That said, its good when he does share his emotions, but when you're being lovey-dovey and clingy and saying i miss you i miss you i love you i love you ALL the time, it does get a bit hard to handle. It actually made me love my ex LESS (to the point that he is now my EX) because of his over-emotional actions. I think most women still like their man to act like a "man" sometimes!!!

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