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untitled suicidal poem


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Why cant i have a normal life

Why must i live by the knife

The thing that causes me my pain

Yet shows all i have to gain


Why i ask do i cry

Crimson tears fall from my sky

I am young but grew up quick

Depressed,troubled,take your pick


For i am all of the above

But all i yearn is someone's love

Someone who would care for me

But i have no one to set me free


My tears are red and burn inside

My enternal scars i can no longer hide

I want them to see my pain

Because this hurt overloads my brain


A depressed teen who sits in dark

Lifes cruel punishment has left its mark

And as she fades and becomes yesterday

Her soul is finally set free today


I wrote this poem about my life.Dont judge plz.



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You are years ahead of your age being able to express your feelings so clearly. I hope u find the person to replace the pain u feel necessary to absorb. Try to keep strong and whether u believe in a god or not, believe we each have a role to play in life and yours will become clearer in time.

Keep writing - u have a great talent.



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You have a way with words and you use it for your advantage. I love the poem it has a lot of meaning and it shows your hurt. I hope that you can find someone who can make you at least understand what is going on and can help you find happiness. I'll be willing to help.



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