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why bother even calling, then?

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This is the 2nd time in a week.


She called me last monday, I called her back - no pick up or call back. The following day I texted her, no response.

Saw her on AIM -- had a few minute conversation but that was it.


She calls me yesterday at 4pm.

I call back a couple hours later... no pick up, no call back.

Texted her twice asking if she was okay, today, no answer.


I know she knows I called back, and texted her, as she's been online -- but why bother calling me if you dont plan on talking to me?


NC was going well, until this.

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if ur still stuck on her, she wants to see if she still has u.. its an ego boost for her..


next time dont pu or call back. then she will know u dont care anymore ur moved on..


if its important or an emergency she will leave a vm

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If it's important enough, she will leave you a message or send you a text. By jumping to call her back to see what is so urgently wrong, (which if it was so important... why didn't she leave a message?) you are saying that you will use any oportunity to contact her. She doesn't even have to leave a message before you'll use it as an excuse to contact her. Ignore ALL contact she makes. If you put up boundaries and ask her to contact you ONLY if she would like to get back in a relationship, then ignore all contact from then on INCLUDING deleting her from facebook if you haven't already, that is a sign of confidence which is attractive to either gender. You are acting weak right now. She knows she's got you wrapped around her little finger, and that is desperate and weak behaviour which is unattractive to women.


If you want to ruin any chance of getting back together, go right ahead doing what you're doing. But if you want to reconcile or move on, then read the threads in my signature.

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Unfortunately, I have to be real p*ssed at someone to ignore them. Just because I'm hurt, doesn't mean I'm mad.

It's a weakness.


And yes, I've said the friendship was over several times, but she always came back wanting to fix it. Did a decent job too, but once she got comfortable, it was right back to the same old thing again.

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So the question becomes, how long is it going to take until you are tired of the cycle of getting used before you do something about it? You dont have to be real pissed to change things, and if you really think you do, it sounds like she has given you all the ammunition you need to be pissed off at her.

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I only know when they have completely moved on, you no longer hear from them. So I think there is still something she is feeling - maybe not what you want, or not what you feel, but it's something. Ex's who no longer have feelings for you don't continue to call.

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Ugh...she is playing games to check you're not moving on...women like this go nuts when they find out you're seeing someone new. Like, how could he do that to meee??!! Make sure you find a better looking one too. That'll really choke her.


In the meantime; Delete all contact info relating to her and ignore ALL calls, texts, AIM. etc.


Get on with your healing and your new life. You know it makes sense.


Best wishes,



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