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Dont know what to do...


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Okay, so I've been talking to this female for only a little while, but we've hit it off quite well actually. Only problem is I think she isn't over her ex boyfriend. She constantly brings him up, atleast twice everytime we hang out, and it makes me feel like "What am I dong here?" If that's who she wants why mess with me? On top of that, I believe she has a few male friends she wants to keep secret because if I ask her "What are you doing to today?" She'll respond vaguely "Catching up with a friend..." now I know if a woman is going to catch up with one of her girls she'll name-drop or say "Kicking it with the girls/ladies night..." Also, just today, she said she was heading over to a friends after work, but was waiting for them to give her direcions...for over an hour before going home. I asked..."You don't know where they live?" she says "They just moved a week or two ago..." Now, maybe I'm spazing out, or maybe I'm on to something, but I don't want to assume or accuse anyone of something their not doing. What's the best move to make?

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