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He cheated, and deny it... WHY???

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Good question, as a man who has cheated, I feel that I would be the perfect person to answer this, but for some reason I cant. Maybe its hard for a man to admit that he has done soemthing wrong. Maybe its hard for a man to admit because he is afraid that he would lose what he has. After I cheated, I never loved my wife more, honestly. Lots of guilt, I never told her. She cheated on me after that. We lasted another 3 years, then I left for another women. Does that help?

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I wish I had the answer to that question as well, but alas I don't. When I was cheated on I had to draw the confession out of my then love interest and quite frankly it was like drawing blood from a stone..it wasn't pretty.


Maybe guys don't fess up to their dirty deeds because they want to hang on to a secure relationship while seeing someone else. Or, because they want to appear the caring and faithful type in front of their friends when they simply are lying bastards. No one likes to be exposed for what they really are - even cheaters. So maybe it's the fear of people knowing what they're really like that makes them afraid of producing a confession...

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Okay, I'll take a stab at this question. Just remember it's my opinion.


I've noticed habitual cheaters are really good at lieing. So good that they can't tell the difference between a lie or the truth. I'm not making excuses here just pointing things out.


Now, when a man gets caught there seems to be an automatic "cover my butt" switch because that's exactly what he does. It would be like breaking into Fort Knox to get basic information.


At this point the man is not logical. It's really hard to explain he's just in automatic pilot giving short answers, if any at all.


He figures, "The less I say the better off it will be for me. I'm already caught so just shut up and take the what's coming."


Men are not stupid (although many will disagree with that statement). They know not to add to the fire. Why tell the woman what she wants to know when she's already angry and about to physically assault me? Hence, the be quiet stage.


It's easy to say, "accept the consequences" but many cheaters rarely, if ever, think about the consequences. But they often think about what's happening leading up to the cheating experience and during.


If they do think about something after the cheating it's usually, "When can I see her again! I had fun."


Hope I was helpful.

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I never acknowledged this fact that guys always lie about cheating. I must suppose that girls tend to admit it, instead. No, I think that we are 5 billion and everybody's different from anybody else.


The way of behaving, on this as on all other things, depends on how we are, and this depends on a lot of things, not only our gender. Obviously I can be wrong, and there can be biological reason for some characteristic behaviours more belonging to a gender rathen than the other one.


Any biologist here?

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Ok, I have not got much time unfortunately so I gotts keep it short.

Rasons for a man to lie about the fact that he cheated (apart from the fact that I don't know because I never did)?!


It's a common thing. You get caught for something you shouldn't have done and you deny it. It's normal. Someone catches you stealing and you'll most likely just throw away what you are holding in your hands. denial seems to be an easy way out...at first.


Maybe, if he is a nice guy, he will deny it in order not to hurt you. He will damn well know tat you know about it, but still will try to keep you from the truth in order not to hurt you. Then again, how nice can you be...if you are really nice you don't cheat in the first place.


Last reason I can come up with: He didn't do it. Ok, happens rarely, but still. I have a friend whose girl accused him of cheating constanly. Everytime he'd go out she'd say he's been with other girls. She would take the slightest hint as a proven fact he did...so no matter what he said she wouldn't believe him. Ok, again, granted....this is a rare exception.

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