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Any Success Stories?


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Right now, I'm at the point where I feel like NC is the right thing and I'm following through with it (although my ex contacted me a few days ago after a week and said he will contact me in a couple of days). At this point, I'd like to hear a few success stories from people who have applied NC and are now back together with their exes. Anyone care to share one? Also, I know that people usually post when they're back together with their ex, but I'd like to see a cluster of stories, even if they're only ones that you've heard. By the way, I'm asking for this as a way for me to see that reconciling is possible, but I also accept that I need to move on in my own life at this time. Thanks to all!

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Well not quite the outcome you want but NC helped me get over my ex a lot quicker that I would have if I had been in touch with her 'in dribs and drabs'.


On a positive note one of my friends split up for about three months, applied NC for this period; starting to live his life again, before both realised they were meant to be together, and they are now back together, have their own house and are expecting their first child.


Some time apart without contact might be the best thing for now?

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I'm in a similar situation as you are.

After 2 years and a lot of "water under the bridge" bf very suddenly broke up with"I don't love you" routine. I, his friends and family feel that he and I are a really good match and do each other good. Up until the split, he said the same.

Anyway, after split I spent about two weeks calling, visiting him. I lost a lot of dignity. About 2 weeks ago we split up items that were in both names. Since then there has been NC.

I came accross an article on this forum about "Steps that really work to win back their heart". It advised 1-2 months NC then gave actual steps to use to try to get relationship back. It was posted by bumshkin. Try to find it. I am going to try this. Our work schedules require I wait until Oct. to contact him. In the mean time, I have found enough peace with this article to revive a couple of hobbies I once had and take a couple of trips with my children. I hope you can find it...good luck!!

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