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I am looking in the mirror and what do I see?

I see my reflection staring back at me.


Telling me to be happy and do my best,

This is not an option or a test.


I look in the mirror and what do I see,

The pain of a little girl coming right through me.


If you were looking at me what would you think,

What a happy girl beautiful and dressed in pink.


But you dont really know how I feel inside,

I guess I just pretend run and hide.


Put yourself in my shoes oneday,

You would want out you would hope and pray.


I look in the mirror only to find,

That mabe it is all in my mind.


They tell me your so pretty and you can make it through,

But what they dont know is I have tryed that to.


I look in the mirror only to see,

That no matter what that person will always be me.

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Never would cuss at you ever!!!!!


No way my dear I just hate to see talent like yours wasted. I hope you reconsider submitting some of your work out there. You should try to cultivate your talent and try to get your name out there.




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Before you publish your poems on other sites make sure that they can not claim they own them because the poems were published in their system and you are just the author.


I don't know about poems but I have seen it happening with web content in general.

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