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My ex and I made contact when he called me on Sunday. We talked for about an hour over the phone, and I could tell he did not want to get off. I was even the one to end the conversation. I kept things very light and friendly, just told him what I'd been up to and he told me he'd been going out. Then he asked if I'd hooked up with anyone else and I told him not really, which he got very anxious about. I laughed and told him that no, there hadn't been anyone else yet but I'd been talking to guys at bars. I know it has only been a week since we broke up, but I felt like I could see him without freaking out and begging him back, so I invited him to hang out at my house if he wanted to come over. He said he wasn't ready yet, but he would come see me before I left to go on vacation next week (week-long vacation). He also said he would call in a couple of days. I have not obsessed over him calling, but I feel like I really do want to see him before I leave. Do you all think this a bad idea?

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yes, its still to soon. If you meet him make sure its in a public place where it will be light converstation. I'm taking my weeks vacation to get over the ex and it is doing me a world of good. After a week emotions are still running high and its hard to think straight, if you can handel seeing him thats good but trying to talk about the relationship and how each of you feelings is just going to open wounds. Take that week to forget about everything and just be with yourself, he will still be there when you get back and it will give you both a chance to miss each other.

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Yeah it is really quite soon to be seeing him with mixed emotions and all. Like Jake212 said meet him in a public place or with friends so that you two don't get caught up or into a fight. To be honest he doesn't really need to see you before you go on vacation your only going for a week not like your moving to a different country, but its up to you. Remember you don't have to meet him if you don't feel ready.

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It seems like it is a bit too soon. I'm in the middle of trying to cleanse myself from my X, and seeing him too soon has proven to me nothing but disaster... Not to say that will happen with you... but perhaps waiting a little bit until he comes to you would be ideal.

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