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A Pathway Remembered


I lay my head in the water

and simply breathe

Blue skies, sing lullabies

and I begin to dream


I remember plans pondered, and pure.

I remember love so honest and sure,

but like such things so beautiful and free;

sometimes such things aren't ever meant to be.


and blue becomes a gray,

and the light becomes a haze,

and we run out of things to say,

and clear thoughts become a maze,

and everything changes


The smiles become sighs.

The laughs become cries.

The distance simply grows until there's nothing to revive,

and lord knows the pathway blurs until we cease to survive.

Please forgive me.




To Pray


Dear Whoever exists so high in the heavens.

Please change my life, help me see the errors I make

Help break the angry so deep in my veins

Help me understand why it is that I pray


Dear Whoever exists so high in the stars

Who watches, without reacting, who watches afar

Who makes me so angry, who leaves me to plea

Who watches me frustrated, dead on my knees.


I claw and I creep, and I seek and I pray

I wish and I thank, and I try to obey

I've reaped what I've sown and for that I must pay,


Look Lord, I'm sorry for breaking the promise I made,

and I'm sorry I've fallen so far from your grace,

and I'm sorry that I've resorted to crawling to you.

Lord, I'm sorry I didn't simply have more faith in you.


Why am I here, deep down on my knees

Why have I come back to piety?

Nothing seems to put me at ease

Nothing seems to make me feel peace


Maybe it'll take eternity to see

Why all these things are happening to me

or why it is that I can't keep happy

But until then I guess I'll just sleep.



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