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He is the one who wanted to be friends, yet he has failed as a friend

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A little background - back when we dated over a year ago I thought I was in love with him. We reconnected later, a situation that went on for months and which he thought was just a fwb thing, but meant more to me than that and certainly involved all other things that couples do, so yeah, it hurt. I tried not to blame myself and have repeated to myself how he is not at a point in his life when he can commit (unemployment), so even if it could have worked out between us, there are too many things dividing us.

He has insisted on being friends and told me that he always will be my friend. However, I do not feel that we are friends. Recently, we had made plans to meet. He arrived before me and made a very bad impression on my friends. Someone saw me parallel park and mentioned to my friends "You should teach her to park", he thought the person said this to him, so the reply was "Why me? I have nothing to do with her".

Or at least this is what my best friend says he said, which honestly, I understand - we are not together, but still, it sounds like I'm some random person that never meant anything to him and it makes me sad. Because I loved him.

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sounds like there is no equality in the relationship (friend/gf). you're obviously putting in more to expect the same from him but he is not willing to do that. i would back off and just act nonchalant. since you "thought you were in love with him" maybe its time to not expect anything from him, and once he realizes he's messing up maybe he'll come around..best of lucl.

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