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A different kind of penis size question?


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I'm sure this is going to get some passionate responses


Say you're 5 years into a relationship with a woman. Everything is great, you're steamrolling toward marriage.


Then, in an art class, she is confronted by a HUGE penis. You are average at best. She's always seemed perfectly content with it. But this guys is...WOW, enormous. And it's not just once but there's a good chance she's going to be drawing this guy many, many times.


Now, I'm not asking if she's suddenly going to dump your ass because of some uncontrollable lust toward a giant flopping dong, my question is much simpler than that.


Is it inevitable that going forward she is always going to be comparing your average-at-best willie with this monster wang? Will it be impossible to get that visual out of her head whenever she sees your boring ol' thing between your legs?


I guess the concern here is if she may slowly grow to resent being stuck with "normal" guy when there's so much "more" out there.


Thanks. And this is a serious question even if I worded it a bit silly.


Edit: Only other thing I'll add is a day after the first class she blurted out of the blue, with no prompting from me, about this guy's "giant" penis. I don't know if that changes anything but I thought it was interesting. And she's drawn him twice now. Morning after second class I asked, jokey, if she drew her "porn star" again and she said yeah but didn't really say anything more, just shook her head and gave a little "I don't like it" face.

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Big penises are overrated.




And you have to know that women don't think like that. There may be, I don't know, maybe 3 out there, who do think like this.


You can't change your penis size.


You just have to deal with it.


Really guys, read this: BIG PENISES ARE OVERRATED.

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While I wouldn't say it wouldn't cross her mind how it may feel inside of her. Who's to say she really wants that inside of her if it's so enormous?


I think you need to stop stressing at how big this guy's penis is. Perhaps, you're thinking about this even more than her.


Just let it go. Also keep in mind, just because a guy's penis is rather large, doesn't always necessarily mean that he's good in bed.

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I dont think big penis' are overrated at all.


BUT i also dont think a woman in a committed relationship with you is going to think twice about it. If she is an artist, she will not even look at it that way.

I dont think you have anything to worry about. Im sure she is very happy with you!

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Big penises are overrated.




And you have to know that women don't think like that. There may be, I don't know, maybe 3 out there, who do think like this.


You can't change your penis size.


You just have to deal with it.


Really guys, read this: BIG PENISES ARE OVERRATED.


This! There is no point in dwelling over your girlfriend seeing a penis that is bigger than yours. She isn't going to dump you, nor can you change the size of your penis.. so what's the point in worrying about it? I hope you can get past this because it really is nothing in the grand scheme of things!


She's with you for a reason

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Didn't you already ask this question?


Look, if she's had sex with other men or watched any kind of porn, she's seen big penises before. Even if yours is the only one she's seen up until drawing this guy, she's probably smart enough to know there are many other, bigger ones out there. When she's with you, it will probably be the farthest thing from her mind.


The second guy I ever slept with was huge. I've dated average to smallish guys since then and never resented them because of their size. Never even thought of the big penis guy while with them.


Remember she's not stuck with you. She can leave you whenever she wants.

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when you watch a movie and some chick gets her bits out do you wish your girl had their credentials instead of her own? i highly doubt it. you might think about it, fantasise even, doesn't mean your going to get bored of what your girl has. same goes for her.

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YOu make it sound like she's going to dump you to go on this search of a bigger penis and start sleeping around to start comparing other penises to your penis.


Doubtful. I would hope you have more stock in your relationship and who you've chosen as a partner than that.

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Didn't you already ask this question?


Yeah, just thought this was kind of a different approach. Less whiny, more straight forward about what might be going on in the mysterious "female mind." LOL.


No other women can know what your SO or other millions of women thinks about this. There is no general "female mind", that is an myth.

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YOu make it sound like she's going to dump you to go on this search of a bigger penis and start sleeping around to start comparing other penises to your penis.


Doubtful. I would hope you have more stock in your relationship and who you've chosen as a partner than that.



But that's really not what I'm asking. I said I wasn't asking if she was suddenly going to just dump her current guy and not look back. I'm just curious about when a woman is "stunned" by the sight of a HUGE penis up close and personal is it going to linger and effect her view if her chosen man doesn't even come close.

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it's pointless though, b/c if she hasn't felt that big penis, there's not much more comparison to make.


i've been with a guy who had a giant wang. absolutely huge.


worst sex ever too. it was like he knew he was big and that was enough for him...he felt like his job was done. it wasn't. at all.


i'll take my fiance's "average" penis over that any day. b/c my fiance cares about how it feels for me rather than the guy with the big penis who didn't care at all.

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When you are drawing, you are looking at shapes/objects because that is how you begin to draw. You're not trying to really remember and compare this penis to another mans penis. I've taken a life drawing class with nude models, and in no way would I compare the man I drew to my boyfriend because sex is more about emotions than it is physical. Anyways, big penises are overrated.

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here's my honest opinion. i am impressed by a big penis. they look great, it is a turn on for me. however i have had sex with men that had large penis's and it was nothing to write home about. so while initially i like a big size, when i get down to it i would gladly trade mr big penis for mr average or smaller who KNOWS what to do with it. your gf probably saw the guy's big penis and thought 'wow, check out the size of him, hot!'..... and then forgot all about it. yet your here still fretting. don't worry about it. i highly doubt she is comparing you. in general i don't think we women do that.

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It wouldn't be your size that made me want to leave, but your insecurities.


Wow, really?? A guy having insecurities about his penis is enough of a dealbreaker that you'd want to leave? Didn't expect that. Can I turn that around and think maybe that thought process is really a woman being unsatisfied with her partner's penis and his insecurity over it is sort of an "escape clause?" If I'm way off base with that I apologize, just a thought that popped into my head.


The truth: millions of men are insecure about their penises. It's simply a fact. And to think someone might dump them over it is pretty shocking. Like maybe they were already looking for a reason to get the hell out of there. Why are men not suppossed to express insecurity or moments of crisis involving self-esteem? And you wonder why so many men bottle up their feelings.


Imagine if a guy dumped a woman everytime she asked if her pants made her look fat; or everytime they pouted and said, "I'm ugly," obviously looking for some reassurance. Our entire gender would be villified as shallow a-holes.

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Do you worry that she will leave you for a guy with more money? One that is better looking? One that makes her laugh more? If you keep thinking of these things than she will. Have you ever fantasized about a woman that has bigger breasts or a better body/face than your GF? If so does this mean you want to leave her? Likely not. So what if some guys have bigger Its just a responsibility that some of us have to carry around...j/k. Seriously though, from what I have heard from women (and not just the ones that I have had sex with but friends too) is that often some guys that are "huge" are normally not that good in bed because of the things that ladies on here stated - they think that is all it takes to be good. Not to mention many of them have terrible bodies/fat guts or some other repulsive physical feature or that are lame in some other way (i.e. ZERO personaility). If you can last a decent amount of time (read as: long enough to satisfy her well before you are satisfied) with your GF and you focus on giving her a bunch of quality orgasms everything will take care of itself. The very few women that I have met that openly discuss (or admit...lol) that a big wang is needed are normally low quality/class women anyway and are not even attractive enough that I would let them cut my grass, much less qualified to evaluate my wang. Don't sweat it man....

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I appreciate the responses, I really do. But I think it's gone a little off-track. I swear I'm not asking whether she is going to LEAVE me or whether she's going to NEED and SEEK OUT some huge dong. Really all I was curious about is, after 5 years of basically being exposed to just my average member, her being "uncomfortable" by the sight of this monster penis was going to somehow affect her impression of mine. It was just a question about how women view different size penises and if really, really big ones stay in their minds, especially when handling a very average one.

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haha @ corrin. The only thing that will make it worse is if she does that and you catch her masturbating to it....sorry man, couldn't resist. I get what you are saying but if you walk around worrying about your GF fantasizing about Mr. Kingdong you will make yourself miserable. Relax and enjoy the relationship. She will sense if you are insecure. You haven't said anything to her about it, have you? If not do not EVER bring it up. If so, do not EVER bring it up again. Good luck...

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What random women on the thread like is irrelevant to your problem, actually.



When she 'blurted' it out, 'out of the blue', she was most likely just recounting the most unusual thing she experienced that day. After five years with you, I find it highly unlikely that she would get turned on by an unaroused shower.


So you're taking what is most likely a completely innocent 'how my day went!' and turning it into an inevitable downward spiral of shame and self doubt.


She gave you the disapproving look because she doesn't want you to talk about her model as a porn star. What he is doing has almost nothing to do with porn. Also, you probably make her very uncomfortable by going from happy confident sex to teenage insecurity sex.

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I've only been with one man, but I have girlfriends who've had multiple partners confide in me that bigger is NOT better. in fact, "too big" is a far bigger (ahem excuse the pun) dealbreaker than average or "too small". average is PERFECT. too big will cause pain, unsatisfaction, and resentment. if it hurts to have sex all the time, who'd want to deal with that (well, other than the s/m peeps in the world)??


you should be more concerned with what you've got and how you're going to use it. be thankful you're average rather than having a micropenis (2" or less) or a horsepenis. seriously. if you're lacking in bed in any way, it's how you're using the tool, and not a problem of the tool in itself. be confident, be secure, and accept her love as it is! you are placing WAY too much concern on this life model of hers. if it bugs you so much, talk to her! she is the only one who will have the answers you seek, not us random internet strangers.

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