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i am in a very similar situation to yours. my ex and i dated for 3 1/2 years at the same college. about a week ago, we broke up due to lack of trust in the relationship, but he and i are hopeful that in the future we will have a relationship. i have applied NC for the past week, and he calle me yesterday and we chatted for about an hour about this and that, we both said we missed each other and asked whether or not we'd hooked up with other people. neither of us have which we're both happy about. i know it is hard to go from lovers to friends, but right now it is the ONLY way you will eventually get your woman back. it sounds like she IS very sad that you've accepted her decision and maybe now she is starting to realize she doesn't want to go through life without you. but you need to let HER realize this on her own, and move on with your own life. do not contact her-she will contact you when she is ready to discuss you two, and you will not be emotionally vulnerable. don't worry, rich, where there is love and caring, there is a huge possibility of a romantic relationship in the future. you just need to give her time and space to realize how sacred and special your love is. don't fret--she will.

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