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Purging the Inner Sanctum


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Glad to see your journaling some more, I have missed you my friend.


I love coupons but sadly I lost my coupon organizer sometime last week. I had it at Walmart and had a bunch of coupons that I used, took everything to the car and when I needed it a few days later, I couldn't find it. I suspect I left it at the register. I'm crushed to say the least, I had some really great coupons in there and now I have to start over.

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I am sure your daughter will do awesome! What happened to your hand SS?


I would love to get into extreme couponing! I have seen that show once. I am not sure we are able to do that here. I am sure they would find a reason why we can't use the coupon.....lol.Can always try though right? I had collected a lot of coupons and my husband left them in the grocery cart when we left the store.](*,)

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Glad to see your journaling some more, I have missed you my friend.


I love coupons but sadly I lost my coupon organizer sometime last week. I had it at Walmart and had a bunch of coupons that I used, took everything to the car and when I needed it a few days later, I couldn't find it. I suspect I left it at the register. I'm crushed to say the least, I had some really great coupons in there and now I have to start over.


Thanks Mama I would surely cry if I lost my binder. I've put so much work into it.

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I am sure your daughter will do awesome! What happened to your hand SS?


I would love to get into extreme couponing! I have seen that show once. I am not sure we are able to do that here. I am sure they would find a reason why we can't use the coupon.....lol.Can always try though right? I had collected a lot of coupons and my husband left them in the grocery cart when we left the store.](*,)


I strained a ligament when I smashed it on a door handle. I know, smart right lol? If you can coupon where you are, I highly recommend it. I've saved so much money already.

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I started couponing, and I'm loving it. It's tough with my OCD, but I have a zipper binder and painstakingly spent about 6 hours organizing all my coupons by category and putting them in 3 pocket currency pages (that I modified to make 6 pockets). I saved about $200 last weekend with sales and coupons This will give me so much freedom to start paying down on more debt. It's great.


How do you get started doing this? I'd like to save money by taking advantage of coupons, but it's only my husband and I, so buying stuff in bulk is kind of pointless (especially since we don't have a ton of storage space). I'm interested, but I don't know if it would work for me, and I don't know where to learn how to do it if it would turn out to be useful, as odd as that sounds.

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How do you get started doing this? I'd like to save money by taking advantage of coupons, but it's only my husband and I, so buying stuff in bulk is kind of pointless (especially since we don't have a ton of storage space). I'm interested, but I don't know if it would work for me, and I don't know where to learn how to do it if it would turn out to be useful, as odd as that sounds.


If you google "couponing for beginners", a lot of sites will pop up. There are many sites out there that have couponing tutorials on them to get you started. I don't want to list specific sites that I use here, because I think that's against the TOS, but you'll find them if you look.


I don't buy in bulk usually. I do have an abundance of cereal right now because I had a lot of coupons and combined them with my grocery store's sales, but it's not more than we'll use. Mostly I only use coupons on things that I know my family will use well before it would expire. I never pay full price for health and beauty products.


There are coupons everywhere. I get three Sunday papers each week (one for each family member), and I print a lot of coupons online. If you do get into couponing, you'll start to see them all over the place.

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My anxiety makes me chronically forgetful. Worrying so much doesn't leave room for remembering appointments and such. My desk at work is littered with post-it notes because if I don't write something down, I will forget to do it. I have 5 calendars in my office, and I reference all of them. At home I have 3 calendars. One is used just for my daughter's appointments, summer activities, etc. One is used as my budgeting tool where I keep track of my income and when bills are due/when I pay them. I also have my little planner that I keep in my purse. I've had multi-purpose calendars in the past, but I get too overwhelmed with everything.


Even with all of that, I forgot to call my doctor to update her on my progress. I have to do that today. I also freaked out because I forgot to write my eye doctor appointment for next month in my planner...turns out I had written it down on one of my calendars at work.


I'm hoping that as my anxiety decreases, I'll get a better handle on this kind of thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't had much time online lately. I've been neglecting my online friends (miss you Vic *hugs*), and my blog has a couple inches of dust on it. Work...what can I say about work? It's friggin insane. I'm gearing up for a promotion which means a lot of extra work in the meantime. I have to delegate tasks, train my replacement and split my time between my old position and my new position. Trying to fit 60 hours of work into a 40 hour work week *twitch*. No fun, I'm mid panic attack most of the day and am surviving on Ativan.


It's summertime, which means tons of activities to get my daughter to. It's always something, but I want to make sure she has as full a summer as possible. She's at summer camp this week, and I miss her so much. I broke-down last night because it's been the longest I've been without her. Again, no fun. I pick her up tomorrow and can't wait.


By the end of the day I am a zombie and can do nothing really but veg out to a movie on Netflix. I've watched some good ones doing this, but housework is being neglected, books I've been wanting to read are being ignored, and I haven't been able to even think about healing or faith work.


I won't be fully settled into my new job for at least a month or two yet. Let's hope I survive.

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I actually got some reading in this weekend while we were waiting for a thunderstorm to pass before heading to the county fair. I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo without reading anything about it first. It seems to be a detective/mystery novel, and I'm hooked. I hope to read all the books in the series and then watch the movies. I had a good weekend despite the fact that I had to work yesterday for awhile. Hubby helped me clean house, which was much appreciated. The child went to a sleepover last night, so I made chicken alfredo...something I can't make when she's home because she hates it.


Now back to the grind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My first therapy appointment was today. She's a really nice therapist and asked all the right questions. She discovered that I have severe OCD. I knew I had OCD, but was blown away by how severe it really is. I guess I have a lot more to work on than just my severe anxiety. Yay.

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Sometimes severe OCD can be a good thing. For one, because I am utterly obsessed with the color Pink, my life is pretty. I found out that I'm obsessed with pink because I associate it with my daughter, and she makes me happy. Er go, pink makes me happy. Not a bad side effect.


I finally made a perfect Quiche au Fromage de Gruyere yesterday. It was so yummy.


I have a lot of work to do before my next therapy session, but it's good, healing work. She wants my doctor to refer me to their psychiatrist so I can get my meds working properly. I'll do that this week.


Tasks for today: cleaning, couponing and laundry. Fun, fun.

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Hey Vic! I think about you a lot too. I wish I could be online more. Hopefully once I get my life in order and things slow down a bit, I'll have more time.


I'm doing fairly well over all. Some financial problems, and of course my disorders get the best of me some days, but I'll get through it. Therapy and med altering should help a lot. Looking forward to a bright future.

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Right now he is actually out of sorts. His boss has him changing shifts a lot (from 1st to 3rd) for training, so he's struggling. It's hard to get a decent amount of sleep when your shifts are all wacky. Hopefully that will only last another week or two though, and then he'll be back on his normal shift.


I think about you and your hubby a lot. I know he's shipping out soon. I'll pray for him everyday while he's gone.

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Right now he is actually out of sorts. His boss has him changing shifts a lot (from 1st to 3rd) for training, so he's struggling. It's hard to get a decent amount of sleep when your shifts are all wacky. Hopefully that will only last another week or two though, and then he'll be back on his normal shift.


I think about you and your hubby a lot. I know he's shipping out soon. I'll pray for him everyday while he's gone.


Aww poor guy, yeah I know it is hard on your sleep with different shifts. It is also hell for home life too. Hug. Yeah he goes in early Oct. I had oral surgery a week ago. It ws outrageously painful and the dentist gave me far too much gas and I think I actually almost died!! It definitely feels that way to me.

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I had a silent abcess on a tooth I had a root canal on when I was 8. The nerve shaft has a vertical fracture so it has to be pulled. It is in the front of my mouth unfortunately. They had to cut open the front of my gums and dig out the infection which was right into the bone because I was losing bone and they said it was a long standing and deep infection. I have about 13 stitches holding my gums together at the moment.


So I need a partial denture when it is all done.



It was the freakiest experience. I was completely and entirely out with the gas and then I felt like I was being sucked up. And then I started screaming. OMG I am dying . NO NO NO. I can't leave my son. NO!!!. I realised I was not breathing. They had to bring me around with 100% O2 and stop and restart the operation 3 times. Also my PTSD was OFF the charts.

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