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Jealous over voice mail


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Hello, I am new to the boards.


My girlfriend and I have a family plan with our cellular phones. Here's my issues and maybe I am over reacting, maybe I am not...you decide.


Sarah has been seeing Bryan a lot lately. They are close friends and I am okay with Sarah having guy friends. As of late, she has beeing hanging out with him frequently.


So being the jealous voice I checked her cell phone the last couple of days ( I know this is wrong ) and over the last week, while she is waitressing he calls to say Hello and see how her day is going. Just today Bryan called and left this message "Hey Sarah, it's a beautiful day outside and was calling to see how work is"


I know I dont leave messages like that on my friends voice mail.



Your honest thoughts please.




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There was no sarcasm in his voice, fairly monotone...


It's just the whole idea he calls her and leaves her messages. Sounds like he cares a little more than a friend. I surely dont call me friends and leave messages like that. Granit my friends are guys, but regardless. Friends are friends.

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Does it matter how he feels about her? How she feels about you and how you feel about her are the only things that should matter, so long as she is not cheating with him.


People can find others attractive besides their partner and even have some deisre for them. So even id she likes him a little, she is with you. Pay attention to how she feels about you, and he will be a non-issue.

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Well if it wasn't sarcastic, I'm gonna have to go with the gay theory also!


Why be worried when he says corny stuff like that?


Actually, you could get a definite answer if you waited a few days and called and left something along those lines. Don't let her know you heard it and leave a message like that and see if it flatters her!

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It matters a little what he feels: 1) if she doesn't put him off, its disrespectful (and you need to face the fact that your g/f may be the kind who is reluctant to say no and 2) while your game always needs to be on, its your g/f and there's no reason you need to have another guy even cross your mind for a second.


I have female friends who'll drop me an email sitting at their desks saying something about the weather and how's my day. Phone calls are a little more intimate and I know I would not leave that kind of a message on a friend's phone, nor would they.

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Oh yeah. This guy is totally interested. Call me a bit old fashioned, but I'm not into my fiancee hanging out with other guys. In my book, if you are in a truly serious reltionship (ie. pondering marriage) then there is no room to have a serious guy friend on the side. However, if y'all are young and just dating around etc., then guy friends are to be expected. Me. I'm the kind of guy that wants an exclusive relationship. It also depends on the guy she sees too. If the guy seems like a cool, down to earth nice guy, then it shouldn't be a problem. But if he seems like a player, then ask her what her intentions are. Is this guy a new friend? Or is he an old boyfriend? Or has she always been friends with him?


That's my take.

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