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Remain friends or walk away?


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Something is telling me to walk away, but I don't know if that's common-sense or fear.


It's neither. It's called your conscience. It's telling you that to get involved with a man in a relationship just because he says some nice things to you is both shady and immoral. It's good that you can recognize this voice of reason and maturity when you hear it - and it's even better that you're seeking an outside opinion before you make any decisions that will hurt people (probably yourself mostly).


Think about what you would be getting into. Would you like to find out that while your man is off at work, he's trying to pick up his co-workers?


Of course if his relationship is coming to an end and you both want to see each other, that's fine. You can't help how you feel about people sometimes, but you can control the when and the how. If he wants to see things move forward with you, he'll understand it when you say you're uncomfortable seeing him when he's in a comitted relationship.

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I would walk away. If he has a girlfriend and he is hitting on you than if you were his girlfriend he'd be doing the same.


Think about how you would feel if you were his girlfriend. She probably thinks their relationship is perfect. She most likely has no idea he is "re-evaluating"


Someone has to have the restraint and it is obviously going to have to be you.

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Hmmm we do not know how his relationship is going and the fact that he is 're-evaluating' and thinks that he may prefer to be with you instead of his present partner is no need for you to stop being his friend. It may of taken a lot of courage for him to tell you how he felt and the last thing he would want is for you to stop being his friend.


Even if you do like him more then a friend you must both control yourselves do not do anything with him while he is in this relationship, do not let him be stringing both of you along.


If he has a girlfriend and he is hitting on you than if you were his girlfriend he'd be doing the same.


What shylah says here is a valid point, but it is also possible that he does genuwinely prefer you to his current partner and that if he were with you he may actually just want to be with you. It's up to you whether you choose to give him the benefit of the doubt but there is no need for you to stop being his friend.

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I'd walk away without hesitation. If he's willing to 're-evaluate' his situation with a woman that could be MRS. Right NOw, while he may already have MRS. Right already at home, why on earth would you want any parts of that? What do you think he'll do with the next woman he meets at work after he's with you that looks alittle better than you? Will he be 're-evaluating' you too? Pesonally, I will no longer date any woman that's either coming out of a long term relationship or that has a current, BF, Husband, fiancee, etc.. If you're coming out of a long term relationship I'll give it at least 6-8 months to a year of there being no contact between the two of you before I'd even begin to consider it. I'm not into breaking up families in the midst of some minor spat/separation either, so if your of the fiancee/wife elk, you can bypass me, I want no parts of you. Either single with some space between a prior relationship or keep on looking for someone else, because I'm not the one. In the case stated above, I'd run like H*LL from that. That says trouble with a capital 'T'.



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