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Marriage without Intimacy!


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who is this man lying next to me?

he says he loves me, yet he doesn't want intmacy,

he says he's my husband,

but where does it end?

I used to think he cared, but that was back then . . .

Can a promise be broken, when he no longer wants me

Now he says, he's not attractive to me . . .

who is this man I married?

for the day we took the vows, his old self was buried,

And this new man lies, and brings grief to our marriage,

Never knew he owed so much money, and he would quit his job and call me honey,

Says he'll never leave, of that much is true,

For who would he go to?

All the lies, all the bills, all the stress, a substitute mommy I now fill,

He doesn't want sex, doesn't have the drive, says it's all work, and he is too tired,

Now my self worth has gone down the drain, he tells me I'm not attractive and what do I have to gain?

I'm stuck in this place, lying next to him, no money, thanks to him, no where to go, can't sleep, can't eat . . . hearing him snore,

yes he's happy, i'm what he wants, someone to look after him, and make sure his bills are paid, and now he doesn't need to worry about giving me intimacy, he never wanted to anyway,

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I have met a few people where the story was similar in that they got married and how things changed drastically to the point that one spouse or the other becomes unhappy with the marriage. Yet before they were married they seemed to be the perfect couple and that they would be together forever.


I just wonder why these things change - what was it after being married that made this all go wrong?

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you say that he wont go merely because he would have no where to go, but if you feel the way you do, and being used the way you are, you have the right of choice to actually make him leave, take a stand, make an opinion and voice your mind, dont watch him snore, get him out of bed and tell him whats in your mind, if all comes down to it and you completely dont see love then leave the relationship, its one sided and usually poetry and other forms are venting are often left uptil the point where someone cannnot cope or is helpless and reacts with riddles.


ask yourself, what do you want? and how can you get it?



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I really liked your peom and it speaks volumes about what your going through. I am sorry about the pain and trouble your in right now. I cannot imagine what that must be like for you. As Kel stated you have the right to make a choice and have him leave. If your not that happy then maybe it is time for marriage counseling or divorce.



Stop worring about him and worry about yourself.



Good luck and keep writing I enjoyed reading it.


Hubman 8)

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I hope you find true happiness. I won't recommend you to leave your husband if that's where you heart is then stay but I'm sure your life happiness depends on the decision of whether you stay or you go. I wish you the best. And you have a beautifully written poem here.


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