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Hi everyone,

i posted here before, and was wondering if I should break the NC after 5 weeks. We have had no contact whatsoever for the past 5 weeks. But i think he has heard and I have heard bits and pieces of each other thru mutual friends. My ex broke up with me after I was frustrated on the phone (dated 2 years). I was thinking of sending him a card of sorts. the mutual friends said that might break the ice? What do you guys think? He broke up thru email I feel like i have gotten no closure. If i send the card and I don't hear back from him, that may be enough closure ?

please let me know what you all think thanks!

or should I give it more time? (i still want to get back together with him. )

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Dear lostheart:


If your ex broke up with after 2 years over a phone conversation, than I think that there may have been a little more to his reasons for the break up than that. Also, I think that it was a pretty cold to break up with you via email.


If you've been able to hang in there for 5 weeks, I would continue with the n/c. I wouldn't listen to what mutual friends have to say. I would want to hear things straight from him. Since he broke up with you and you want him back, don't make the mistake of chasing him. Let him come to you. I know that it will difficult to wait and see what he does but just go about your life as if he doesn't exist. Whatever will be will be and you should enjoy your life. Best of luck to you.


Peace and blessings to you,


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Before you try to break the ice, you should be thinking about what caused the breakup. Both the instance that resulted in it and, more importantly, what was going on in the relationship.


You also need to know what you are doing. If the relationship had problems then you need to see them and think of how to fix them. If things were honky-dory and he dumped you over a small tiff, then you need to try to make it so he would never think of that.

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