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she said i hope you have a nice life????????


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So you are NIC (no intiated contact)?.....good call.



well today i did initiate contact to ask her not to sell my comp games and i sent her a couple of text but here it is.


me: last night was the * * * * ...had a good time. So where are we going tonight?


5:04 PM o * * * * lol my bad i clicked on the wrong person, bye.


5:16 PM me: o i was going to ask you, can you not sell my game?

u there?

w/e bye.


5:23 PM her: Why, I'm at work


5:24 PM me: cuz i will get them eventually.i have to go hang out with a friend sry, i talk to you some other time, bye.



i did it for my stuff so she doesnt pawn it or something and to, say that i had a good night last night with a "friend" idk if that was a good call or not, but im going to talk to her for a while after this now that i know she wont pawn my stuff, ill probably wait for a while to talk to her wait for her to get over her honeymoon stage but, yea i havent initiated contact she is the one who has talked to me, until today.

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hahaha...seriously? That was horrible. Like I said before, you're not in the right mindset to pull this off...but you're going to keep trying anyway so good luck.


oops i ment to say i wont talk to her for a long time from now, maybe 2 and half months, is that a good time frame?](*,)

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thats what i thought to, but you guys really dont know her as well as i do, i am moving on and im not as hurt by what happened anymore and i dont get back with her then w/e but why would she say that when she was mad out of her mind with me, and is now finally saying that?she might be over me but it even hasnt being a month since we broke up, and if she is over me then be it.



i just wanted a psychological point of view, i already know whats behind it, but i want an explination. i know she might not be over me.


I can't understand this paragraph.


well i am over her as of now, but i do get momments where i fear that i will never get her back, that being said i do like her still, but that being said lol i know i handle not talking to her for as long as i need to, i do very little lc and pretty much NC, im trying to work on my self i walk 6 miles a day do over 100 push ups a day i want her to be like damn look at him now when she next see me, but i do find it strange that she said this, which makes me feel she might still like me and gives me hope, i just hope its not false hope.


I think this might be easier to read if you add periods.

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I think you are looking for answers nobody can give you. What was your relationship like? It would be great if she told us then you get some real answers. Let it go for now, take care of you. Read ENA and develop a strategy that works for you, NC is most likely all you are gonna hear at this point.


She's got to miss you and all the "Good" times, if you had them. No guarantee she will come running back BUT it happens. Usually after some time has passed and she has no clue what you are up to. Any kind of contact nullifies this. New BF in the pic? So what. Rebounds occur and for all you know she could be talking about you all the time and turning him off.


Take care of you. Get over the first week, then month, then anniversary/holiday/etc. She will think of you, that much I can say, but at this point take care of you first. That makes no sense now but it will with a little time.

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