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she said i hope you have a nice life????????


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what do you think this means, i know i know her more than anyone else but my ex that left me for someone said to me" i hope you have a nice life" im right now in NC stage with some LC, i know from expirence that when i say something like that i usually still either like the person or am mad and im trying to use reverse psychology to get them to talk, so my question is, from this line "i hope you have a nice life" what do you think it means if shes an ex?



now i know it might mean that she is over me, i for one know her more than anyone and i think it doesnt mean that, i want a psychological point of view about this, not if she is or isnt over me, more about what she ment by that and is it reverse psychology?

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thats what i thought to, but you guys really dont know her as well as i do, i am moving on and im not as hurt by what happened anymore and i dont get back with her then w/e but why would she say that when she was mad out of her mind with me, and is now finally saying that?she might be over me but it even hasnt being a month since we broke up, and if she is over me then be it.



i just wanted a psychological point of view, i already know whats behind it, but i want an explination. i know she might not be over me.

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with the others. My ex left me for someone else, too, and although I still love him with all my heart, I know, he chose someone else over me. And although I wished with all my heart that things would have turned out differently for us, I know, he is gone and I don't want to wait around for him to maybe return to me one day... chances are very very small anyways, I guess...


A few weeks ago, I felt the urge to send him a final goodbye letter (I have posted my letter in another thread), which I luckily didn't send after all, anyways, as my last sentence I wanted to "wish him a happy life" and my intention by saying that, was, to say goodbye for good, to wish him all the best and to let him know that I don't want him in my life anymore - no more contact or friendship, neither now nor in the future- since he hurt me too much...


I'm sorry...

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I don't side with others that easily and I just think it's more often meant in sarcastic way, as in she's not over you and is pissed so she uses a cliche saying that should appear in a specific way and is designed to provoke a specific reaction from your side. I just don't believe people say this when they are over... for when people are over someone, they have no need to contact him and tell him something like that at all. And when they say something like this (from their own initiative not as a reaction to your initiative) they are falsely trying to persuade themselves that they are over, while deep inside they are not. It's like they would be walking on the right side of pavement and started to shout and scream that they are in fact walking on the left side... they'll scream so long till they believe it.


Well you are over her as you said, so you can break nc now and return the punch. And also test if you're 'really' over her. ;-)

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well i am over her as of now, but i do get momments where i fear that i will never get her back, that being said i do like her still, but that being said lol i know i handle not talking to her for as long as i need to, i do very little lc and pretty much NC, im trying to work on my self i walk 6 miles a day do over 100 push ups a day i want her to be like damn look at him now when she next see me, but i do find it strange that she said this, which makes me feel she might still like me and gives me hope, i just hope its not false hope.

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well i am over her as of now, but i do get momments where i fear that i will never get her back, that being said i do like her still, but that being said lol i know i handle not talking to her for as long as i need to, i do very little lc and pretty much NC, im trying to work on my self i walk 6 miles a day do over 100 push ups a day i want her to be like damn look at him now when she next see me, but i do find it strange that she said this, which makes me feel she might still like me and gives me hope, i just hope its not false hope.


You say you're over her but that her saying this might gives you hope. You say you're over her but you fear you might not get her back. Sorry but you are not over her at all. If you were, then you wouldn't care about these things nor would you care why she said that. Just my opinion.

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to provoke a specific reaction from your side.....for when people are over someone, they have no need to contact him and tell him something like that at all.....
Yes, this is one possibility. They may also say it out of respect, or as a polite way to get the person to leave them alone. "Have a nice life" doesn't mean "I secretly want you" unless they start reaching out for you soon after they say it. Then it would become the manipulative tactic in which you are implying.
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id'll like to but i know i still want her back, even though i am over her, i still have those moments where i want her back, but i do believe im over her.


You are truly over someone when you dont analyze their words or want them back.

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Yes, this is one possibility. They may also say it out of respect, or as a polite way to get the person to leave them alone. "Have a nice life" doesn't mean "I secretly want you" unless they start reaching out for you soon after they say it. Then it would become the manipulative tactic in which you are implying.


well the thing is iv being trying to do NC but she is the one who contacts me thats why i do LC but very lil of it, even though she mostly contacts me for her stuff or debit card stuff or money related things, she is still contacting me. so im going to wait for a week to respond to her last messages she sent me, if she initiates contact by then then i know she might still have feelings if she doesnt, then it maybe she is either moving on or is doing NC with me, then i will message her back eventually 1-2 weeks to keep LC going. but i dont know why she would say that if she really has moved on, since i know her, i know its not really intended as a final goodbye. i think.

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I believe that it is not a final goodbye either as I've had two ex's say this to me, but we still had contact after a while.


The thing is though, not only was I the first one to contact them after a few weeks later, but I also really didn't care as much for them.


With my last ex, this didn't work after a while because I started to care for her more than she cared for me.


If you truly put your ex on the backburner, then the chances of them chasing you again increases. But, since you are here trying to analyze your situation, it will not work for you.

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Well, if she is telling you to "have a nice life" and is still contacting you, then yes, she may be playing games with you. If it is strictly about business though, don't get your hopes up.


yea i know but i feel like she is doing that to be able to talk to me,even though its business i feel like she wants there to be business last time i talked to her she said i owed her money and to take her debit card off of this account and then after that i said k and done and then right after she said thank you, i hope you have a nice life, i feel like shes playing with me, but then again it might really just be business idk i wont get my hopes up but ill see what happens later

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i think im doing a great job in getting her back, while i might not, it doesnt and wont hurt me as much as i thought it wouldve a week ago, if she comes back great if she doesnt then w/e. but he saying this has to be more good than bad ill keep it simple with her and just keep going and see if its a win or a lose either way idc.

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I think more often than not it is a passive aggressive response to being ignored. If she has a passive aggressive personality than I seriously doubt she means it literally. Regardless, It's a crap response and I would continue NC.

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