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what to do?


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where do you go when nobody cares? and when I say nobody, i don't mean my immediate family.. i mean my friends, the potential relationships, the people around me.. and so on.


where do you go when your life isn't affected by anyone else?

when you feel so worthless, that it's better off to rot away in your reclining chair, and never talk to another soul again?

what do you do?



and dont tell me "change your mindset" because that's not happening.


my mindset is so negative over the years, due to the fact that i see that people dont REALLY care...it doesnt REALLY affect them.... and if you were to just disappear, their lives would go on, and you'd BARELY be a memory.





what do you do then?

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you live for yourself and not be concerned with any one else. if you live for other people and do things for others then you will never have self fullfilment. set goals, follow your dreams for you and no one else and who cares what any one else thinks!

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i think sometimes...people portray the image of not caring...because it tends to be so much easier not to care. caring is hard work. it's painful at times. it requires a certain level of tenderness...and that tenderness opens you up to so many things that don't necessarily feel good. i think inherently...we all care...but it's something we run from. investing in something...truly caring about it...opens the door for loss. loss hurts.


when i feel worthless...what are my options? i can continue to feel worthless. i can continue to feed my identity as worthless. or, i can begin to examine my own self-worth. what do i base it on? what affects it? i've noticed that a very small shift in the direction of curiosity can be a huge turning point. become curious about it all. ask the hard questions. explore. investigate. if anything...it provides for a different focus...a more internalized focus. in my experience...discovering worth can only really come from knowing what it is to feel worthless. that's my own perspective though.


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if you have some time...that might be something worth looking into. found it really helpful myself.



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