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ugh, i could kill myself. i was doing so great the last couple of days, maintaining no contact. then yesterday i get an email from my friend in europe with some pictures attached in a strange format, and i couldn't open it. i would normally call the ex about computer woes since he knows about all that stuff, and i tried so hard to tell myself this is not a good reason to call. yet, i found myself dialing him and leaving a message on his machine. "Hi, it's Keely. I'm just trying to open some pictures Ashley sent me that are in a weird format. If you could help me, I'd appreciate it, you can call the house or my cell. Hope to hear from you." as soon as i hung up, i instantly regretted the phone call. he never called back and is not going to, and now i look like the fool. GUYS, DON'T CALL UNLESS YOU'RE CERTAIN YOU ARE READY!!! obviously, he and i are not prepared to talk to each other yet, and we still need some time. i can't believe i didn't even heed my own advice on NC. so i vow, to all of you, i will NOT contact him until the day he calls me. and not a day sooner.

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Eh, so you called him. Big deal. Seriously, don't beat yourself up over it. It's possible he didn't even get the message yet. Once it's been a week and he still hasn't called, that's when you can start assuming that he heard the message and still didn't call you--although even then there's a slight chance of him losing his hearing or the mental capacity to make phone calls because he banged his head hard on the wall because he was walking around not paying attention because he was thinking about you.


...or maybe his answering machine broke.


In any case, don't beat youself up over it.


Oh, and by the way, for the weird image format thing try using this program:

link removed

(if the file format it's sent in is not listed during the program's installation, though, it could be a virus so don't try openning it)

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Don't beat yourself up...we all slip once in a while. Just be strong...he must call now!! At least you got the "should I call?" out of your system!!



I agree you should just try to ask someone else or next time just try to figure out your own computer problems so you cant use tha as an excuse. I used to be in the same boat just try not you use anything as an excuse you have to act like he doesnt even exist. That is harder said than done though. Just be strong and you'l get through this.

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Hey, we all do that. Thinking this is a legitimate reason to call the ex. I had a similar issue in week #1 where I thought only he could answer my computer questions. Well, he could'nt. No matter how hard you try emotions well get the better of you and take over your reasoning center. DONT CALL HIM...if he calls just tell him you already got an answer, thanks. Dont leave it open ended by saying you will talk to him later.

Trust me I messed up so many times this past month since Caleb and I broke up, just dont beat yourself up. Email me if you get the urge to call him for any reason.

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you all are so right. thanks jake212, i will definitely email you if i'm feeling sad and want to talk to my ex. i really could just kick myself for calling, after yesterday telling everyone how important it was not to. i just got that overwhelming urge and i was by myself, no one there to stop me. NO CONTACT NO CONTACT NO CONTACT. i know that's the only way to go.

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hey guys. well, yesterday was officially a week after me and don broke up. and guess what? he called me in the late morning, just to see what was up. he wanted to know how i was doing, what i'd been up to, how often i'd been going out, if i'd hooked up with anyone else and he told me he missed me. well, of course, i told him the truth about everything i've been doing. i was like "yeah, i'v been going out and talking to guys. i'm not hooking up with anyone really, just meeting new people." we talked for about an hour, just chitchat and asking about each other's families. it was a very positive conversation. he asked what i was doing the rest of the week and i said working and probably going out a few times, but next week i'm going to orlando with my brother for a week. i told him i'd like to see him before then and he said definitely, then i invited him to come hang out and go swimming at my house. he said, give it some more time but i will come see you before you go to florida. i told him that was cool, no pressure, whenever he was ready to see me i'd be fine with that. anyway, i told him i needed to go and he said he's call in a couple of days. what do you guys think??? i feel like i can already be around him without being an emotional mess, but i wonder if this is because i feel temporarily overconfident about us getting back together.

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