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Dating is hard....


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I've been out with this girl twice now, I knew her from about 5 years ago where we were quite good friends. By chance we got talking again on IM and kinda hit it off again. We met up on Thursday and had a good day, I enjoyed myself and she did too.


I dropped her off at her house the following day and we had a cup of tea and a chat and ended up kissing. Now the dilemma, since kissing I really don't think there is a spark there. However I really care about her and don't want to hurt her, she has been through a lot recently and me stringing her along waiting to see if I start feeling something would be wrong.


This is the first person I've kissed properly since splitting up with my gf of 5 years about 6 months ago. The kiss is what has really got me thinking, it just didn't feel right. I don't know if this is her or me not being fully over my ex gf. Or maybe combination of both.


My question is basically do I go out on a few more dates and see if I feel any differently or just say id prefer to be friends. Should I do this in person, she lives about an hour away from me, so don't want to waste her time/money. Also what's the best way to approach it to stay friends?


Should I just be honest with her and tell her all this?


Thanks in advance!

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