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My ex and I broke up 2 months ago due to many reasons. He never had time for me, wouldn't want to see or speak to me, would walk all over me and there was also him flirting with another girl etc.


Last night I called him. Many things had happened last night and I just broke down. It's NYE and NYE would have been our 1 year. I told him I was sorry and if he would come back. He asked if he could have some time to think about it and I said no, I had my answer because we had broken up earlier and when he came back I took him straight away. An hour later he texted me asking if I wanted to meet up for NYE because "he wasn't doing anything and assumed I wasn't and no one wants to be alone on NYE". I said I was out of town but if we could catch up when I got back and he said definitely. We kept texting and the conversation was normal like when we were together. After awhile the conversation led to sex and he asked if it was weird if he thought about while wanking and I said I didn't think so. He mentioned that we never had break up sex and also brought up a few other things we hadn't done sexually. I said it was because he never wanted to and he said he could get used to it. I asked if he was implying we have sex and he asked if I wanted to and I said no.


I'm just so confused... This is a guy I had to literally beg to have sex with me. We rarely spoke about sex so why now? I know he is probably horny because he hasn't done it in 2 months but idk... He must have had some feelings for me to text back an hour later because I fell asleep and he obviously didn't. We texted for 3 hours until 5am and he has to get up at 6am for work. I still love him but I'm not sure what to do... Having sex probably wouldn't be a good idea, but then again neither would getting back together since he never treated me right.

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don't waste your time on him.


I had a similar ex; he wouldn't want to see me much or talk to me. I was always the one to do everything for him in the relationship. he also flirted with other girls and ignored me. but he was always interested in sex..


what he said bugs me ("he wasn't doing anything and assumed I wasn't and no one wants to be alone on NYE"). That's kind of mean..


Anyway, just because a guy wants to have sex doesn't mean he has feelings for you.


Walk away from this douche. don't cantact him and don't answer if he contacts you. you are too good for him. Move on and find yourself someone who will appreciate you (he is out there somewhere!)

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don't waste your time on him.


I had a similar ex; he wouldn't want to see me much or talk to me. I was always the one to do everything for him in the relationship. he also flirted with other girls and ignored me. but he was always interested in sex..


what he said bugs me ("he wasn't doing anything and assumed I wasn't and no one wants to be alone on NYE"). That's kind of mean..


Anyway, just because a guy wants to have sex doesn't mean he has feelings for you.


Walk away from this douche. don't cantact him and don't answer if he contacts you. you are too good for him. Move on and find yourself someone who will appreciate you (he is out there somewhere!)


Yeah it bugged me too but I suppose he was right to assume that because I don't go out a lot. I'm surprised he doesn't have plans because he's always out.

Oh I know just because a guy wants to have sex it doesn't mean he has feelings but it's just the fact he brought up meeting...

It's so hard to walk away. I've been so good these past two months, only contacting him to get my money off him. I didn't even miss him so much, just the festive season has been hard and especially NYE since it would be our 1 year. We were supposed to go away and I'm on that trip with a friend. I keep thinking he should be here instead...

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My ex sounds a lot like your ex. He never had time for me either. I don't know why he bothered getting into a relationship with me to be honest, it was more like a friends with benefits situation-- no commitments, responsibilities or obligations on his side. Not to mention, I also had to pretty much beg him for sex. He even turned me down! Come to think of it, it made me feel so unattractive and unwanted that I actually had to beg that now I just don't know why I bothered at all. Yet somehow I can't make myself let go of it.


In your case, I don't think sex is a good idea. You're just going to feel crappier afterwards when he resumes treating you like crap and taking you for granted again. Don't do it.


Oh yeah, and don't be too hard on yourself for calling him. Sometimes it does help make you feel better or get over them just that little bit more. We're not perfect either and we slip up sometimes.


Anyway, I'm constantly checking this post for guidance in my own relations with the ex.

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