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"bad day"


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So me and my ex have been talking recently as friends. We were texting last night and it was going really well and all of a sudden he stopped, so I went to bed.


Anyways I sent him a text this afternoon saying hey but got no reply. I figured he was probably busy and left it until the evening before I text him saying hello. I still got no reply so I sent him a text saying either your phone is being stupid or your being ignorant, he text back after that saying hes had the worst day imaginable and hed rather be left alone.


I've been trying to think what could have happened that was so terrible as to why he wouldn't want to talk to me about it? I didn't ask him obviously I just said ok text or ring me if you want to talk and left it at that. Does anyone know what could have happened to him? Or is he using that as an excuse because he doesn't want to talk to me?

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If the real thing is he chasing new women too, of course he's not going to tell you, 'i'm with someone else right now so can't text...'


the important thing is he's your EX and you need to lower your expectations that he will be at your beck and call now... he may be off doing who knows what, including breaking off a text convo with you because some other girl he's interested in started texting him... you can't guess why, but recognize that perhaps you are texting him too much if he's not your boyfriend anymore, and start meeting new guys and putting your efforts into them rather than expecting your ex to carry on with you like nothing has changed.

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Agree with lavender, your second text to him about why he's not responding, and your speculations on why he isn't talking to you about it goes further than a "friendship" with your ex. Are you trying to get back with him?


Sometimes when people have a bad day, they just need some time for themself to recover. Let him have that time and just let him know you're there to listen if he needs it. But honestly, I would try to keep myself from getting too close to an ex, especially if you're trying to move on with your life.

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