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Women, what are your sexual needs?

Lady Rashomon

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For me it's the P word for women's parts. I can not STANNNNDDDDD that word!!!


"C" word for me -- men's parts. STOOOOOPID. "My big hard throbbing _____". You know, mix up the adjectives or something. Anything, anything to get away from inane cliches, please!


Haha, just read your examples of the language do's and don'ts, and that about sums it up.


Although, again, a lot depends on timing and delivery. If you compliment something with a dirty word thrown in, fine. Just don't throw it into some rattling off at the mouth that we both know leaves nothing more to be said, everything to be repeated, and zero creativity or anything left to the imagination.


There is a certain two-word sentence though that never goes out of style, even though it might easily be the most trafficked sentence around, and so you see...again. Context, tone and proper timing can mean a lot.

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Ah yes! The good ol' vag slap! Didn't we talk about this on another thread? How that just is the most ridiculous move EVER?


I think we did.


"C" word for me -- men's parts. STOOOOOPID. "My big hard throbbing _____". You know, mix up the adjectives or something. Anything, anything to get away from inane cliches, please!


Haha, just read your examples of the language and that about sums it up.


I can say the C work for men no problem. If I hear the P word for women.... ugh.

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To be frank, both of them are kind of hateworthy, haha. But I've gotten resigned to the "P" word. It's inescapable, it seems. Maybe "numb" is more like it. Unfortunately without this dynamite duo, what does that leave you with? Not a whole lot. I actually much prefer "penis" and "vagina." Plain and simple -- they're not trying too hard, and that's what makes them winners.


Or, I'm just weird that way, ha.

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I am not sexually experienced, but I was curious about the title of this post: Women, what are your sexual needs? The first thing which comes to my mind after reading this thread, is I've concluded many of the women's responses make sexual intercourse a low priority for them, as compared to the other sexual things they like. When a thrusting penis is a good fit inside a vagina, when she is wet and not too tight, isn't it an amazing experience for both the man and the woman? This is what a husband and bride should look forward to on their wedding night, isn't it? I think the woman should orgasm first, and then the man follows with his orgasm. This is mostly because of the woman's sexual design. I also now understand that pornography intentionally creates myths and fallacies about a couple's sexual experience by the porn star's "acting-out" their sexual experience and "faking" their orgasms.

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Yes but the vast majority of women can't orgasm through penetration alone, there has to be stimulation before penetration (or even an orgasm before penetration). All the little things make up sex. Yes it's a wonderful bonding experience but you have to be on the same level with the person to make that wonderful, awesome connection and have amazing sex.

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Yes, this is true, but typically (at least judging by my past experiences), everything that leads up to this determines how enjoyable it will be for me. If I am with someone who prefers goal-oriented (i.e., he ejaculates and it's over) quickies with little to no foreplay--or if there is little buildup to our having sex (again, I like seduction...banter, suggestive glances, flirting, everything that can lead up to a phenomenal time that has NOTHING to do with sex itself but the power of suggestion), penetration will just be awkward and painful.


Sex doesn't have to be solely about penis in vagina. All the same, I think there's enough diversity in the responses to this post (some women like rough sex, some prefer making love, some would take making out and no penetration whatsoever at all, some detest kissing altogether) to prove that women don't all want the same things.

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