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A Note of Optimism for Those who Are Broken-Hearted

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Okay, so me and the Donster (my bf, ex, whatever) broke up a few days ago. I know we still love each other, and both of us are hopeful that things may work out in the future. We even go back to school together in about a month, and we have classes together (painful, I know). But I'm feeling optimistic today. I'm even wearing the silver ring he gave me as a birthday present. So, for those who are broken-hearted right now, I want you to know that even when Don was dumping me, he told me that many couples break-up for awhile, and then end up getting married in the end because it makes their relationship that much stronger. Plus, he told me that no matter what, he would always want me in his life. I don't want to give anyone (including myself) a false sense of hope, but for anyone who was given a sense of hope by the dumper, there is a light at the end of the tunnel if there was love in the relationship. Two examples, his sister and brother are married to people they dated since college. However, both went through break-ups where they dated other people, but eventually they realized they had found the one already. I'm hoping this trait runs in the family, but for the present time, I am going to try and move on with my life. When we do have contact eventually, I know it will be a happy time for both of us, no matter if our romantic relationship truly does end.

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I have heard of that too. It also depends how you broke up and how long you've been apart. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. But just because it happens to a sister or brother, doesn't mean it will happen with him.. so its good you are prepared to expect whatever and to not lead yourself into believing something that may not happen at all.


The biggest disappointments come from those who expect something, and then it doesn't come. Its not really about being too optomistic or anything like that, more or less its being realistic thats the key. Some things are physical and emotional impossibilities, some aren't.


I sincerely hope things work out for you in that department. I am in the same boat, and I hope that things might transpire the same in my situation.. However, I have stopped kidding myself, and stopped chasing that notion... then, and only then will it truly find you-- when you least expect it... What a wonderful surprise that would be, eh?

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Wow, that's one good break up! There's got to be a catch - hee hee - kidding


No really - I wish all break-ups including mine in the past were like that - I wish my ex's would have said something like that - but then again, I don't think I would be strong enough to not fool myself into giving false hope So good for you kekep!

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