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Jealous of my Husbands female co worker


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Some of the most famous and greatest seductresses in our world history have not necessarily been drop dead gorgeous women. Cleopatra was a very ordinary looking woman but it was her personality that worked the charms.

What you're doing with your husband will at a point turn him away from you. You are displaying your insecurities wide open and he probably sees through that.

We don't know if she likes him. Maybe she does like your husband in more than a co-worker way. Who knows. The worst you could do for yourself is keep on acting jealous.

It's absolutely normal for a married woman to have feelings of jealousy esp. if her husband works with a woman much more beautiful than her. But it doesn't mean he'll leave you for her.

Try seeking a therapist. Talk it out. Trust me, it'll help.

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Inviting her to dinner is a little too much. That's basically her admitting that yes, the girl's beautiful, and no, she can't steal her husband. That's not what a confident woman does.


Forget about inviting her anywhere. Just act like it never happened....in front of your husband and her. Don't give this girl the pleasure of knowing you're jealous of her looks. Trust me, all women to a certain degree feel flattered.

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  • 8 years later...
On 12/17/2010 at 10:05 AM, Tari said:

Found this forum whilst trawling the web for advice. I'm hoping someone here can help me understand what's happening to me.


Married for 2 yrs, to the funniest, most loving man I ever met. We have wide social life, lots of friend male and female. I have never been jealous in my entire life and always prided myself in being laid back and understanding in my relationships.


My husband is a car mechanic and out of the blue his boss got him a workmate, that turned out to be a petite, dark haired, beautiful Italian woman, some 18 years younger than me.


When I first found out, my head literally went numb. I stood for what seemed like an eternity in this place of total silence, everything moving slowly around me and I was sure I was about to faint. After the initial shock, I was very angry. Angry at my husbands boss, then angry at my husband for actually liking her, then angry at myself for not being as beautiful and capable as this woman.


Then the chaos hit my perfect marriage. The jealousy that has risen inside of me, has turned me into a hateful person. I hate this woman. I don't even know her, I hate my husband every time he mentions her and I can't stand him touching or loving me when he is home because he has spent his entire day in her company.


I actually trawled friends of friends facebook accounts until I found her just to check out her photographs. She is devastatingly beautiful with a personality to match, worst of all she finds my husband funny and she apparently hangs off his every word.


My husband admitted he doesn't want to come home anymore, I badger him for information on what every last aspect of their day together. He says he loves me and she is a work colleague and that's it, but I just can't stand it.


I basically want ME back. I know the problem lies within myself, but these feelings are so strong I can't control them. I have change so much over the last 6 months I don't think anyone hardly recognises me. I've lost interest in myself, my friends, my job. My every moment is eaten by the knowledge my husband spends 8 hours a day with this woman.


Everyone around me says, she is lovely I don't understand why you just can't like her. Which makes me worse. I want her to be a crap mechanic and lose her job. Reality of it she is bloody marvellous at what she does.


Can someone please help me understand what is going on here and help me get back on track before my marriage is beyond redemption.

Hello!! Is there any way I could talk too you privately as I am In the exact same situation and need advice from someone who has dealt with it?? 

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3 hours ago, Kayleigh90896 said:

Hello!! Is there any way I could talk too you privately as I am In the exact same situation and need advice from someone who has dealt with it?? 

This is a 10 year old thread. You will not get a response from the OP. It would be more effective to start your own thread.

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6 hours ago, Kayleigh90896 said:

Hello!! Is there any way I could talk too you privately as I am In the exact same situation and need advice from someone who has dealt with it?? 

There are great answers on page 1 of this thread also!  Insecurity as we age seems totally normal at times, but dwelling on it or giving in to it and allowing it to ruin your marriage, that's your choice!

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On 12/17/2010 at 5:05 AM, Tari said:

Married for 2 yrs, to the funniest, most loving man I ever met. We have wide social life, lots of friend male and female. I have never been jealous in my entire life and always prided myself in being laid back and understanding in my relationships.

Okay.. so what happened with this one?


Do you feel somewhat in the throws of a kind of competition for your husband?

I'm sorry that it has all beaten you down so far, but I don't see anything that has set you off, other than her looks.

He is married to YOU.  He is all in it for YOU.

So what, she is pretty.. Many are - but he is with you.

I agree.. maybe consider seeking some prof help to aid you in this challenge you've got.

Because, for sure, jealousy can be awful if it's too much  :/.

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