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Unable to make friends- so frustrating...


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Hey guys, thanks for having a look at the thread! I'd really appreciate any and all help for my problems!


When I was younger I didn't have any problems making friends. There was a group of four of us during school who were really close. When it got to the end of grade 11 however, I developed an eating disorder because of the comments of one of my 'friends', and my parents staged an intervention because of it. The other girl I had a two year crush on, and lost completely after I told them because they couldn't handle it.


The last I was friends with for the first few months of Uni, but then she got a boyfriend and started telling him EVERYTHING- including all my secrets. One day he came up to me and started yelling at me for one of them, at which point I went back to my friend and told her I wouldn't tell her anything if it had to be said to him as well. We had a falling out.


It's been about three years since then (and I'm doing a dual law degree so I have awhile to go at Uni) but in the meantime I haven't really been able to get close to anyone. I've made so many acquaintances, but even when I put in an extra effort to make the extra step, invite them places, hang out- they usually don't agree to it or don't show up. Likewise, I'm never invited to their events... I'm wondering- is this... me? I'm getting sick of never hanging with anyone and never getting close to anyone, I don't know if I'm subconsciously pushing them away or if there's something else to it.


I like to think I'm an okay person, but... I really can't pick it. I don't think I'm coming off as too pushy either. I don't .. think


also, I have no problem with meeting new people or just general chatting, I'm fairly sociable (I'll usually show up at a party if I'm invited) and... I'm preeetty clean?! Yeah, sorry, I dunno- I'm just at the end of my rope... would appreciate anything anyone has to say!! xx

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Join groups and activities in your school. That's how I made friends in college. If that doesn't work, do activities outside of college. It's not hard to make friends, just be friendly, humorous, and most of all, put yourself out there. Similar interests, hobbies, sports, theatre..etc. are a great way to interact with like-minded people.



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