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lobotomies save lives


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alas, i think this will be my last post on this site, until i fall on hard times again (it'll happen). if you still want to read some of my crap, i'm on link removed, username "lukewarm".

i'll miss a couple people on here, i know, but i'll leave you with this.














"lobotomies save lives"


she hit her head on a rock, they said

but everyone knew she could swim

often by herself she walks,

pensive and serene

a transcendental girl she was


she woke from her dream

from one life to the next

from the harmless world, created.

for some broken piece of mind

mended with popsicle sticks, she was

a steward of the still-life lifestyle


she called back home, she spoke

with a siling's sibilation

of the perfect plastic perjury

through which she wandered, without purpose

an inconstant girl she was


she sang a song

that no one heard

no one now has come

locked in her jewelry-box

long since lost

in the morgue's vault of ticker-tape wrongs

a creature of quiet solitude, she was

the air is still weighted with her words


her visitors began to fade

and as the years passed into days

so did she

now lost in herself she lies

calm and empty as the darkened carpet bedrooms

a terminal girl, she was

a visceral girl, she was

a sensual girl, she was


the girl i loved, she was

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I liked that poem. It tells a story, and leaves me feeling intriquied. The repition of "she was" felt very approiate, and the words seemed to flow really well.


I dont know who you are, as I've only been coming to this site for a few days now, but I'm glad you found what you needed.

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