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I kind of think I want him back...


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The longest of stories made short, I was with a guy for 6 months but had always been really attracted to another guy (guy 2) I ended up getting drunk and getting myself into a situation in which I slept with him. I felt terrible and immediately ended it with guy 1 without telling him about the cheating, making up a bull * * * * excuse that didn't really make much sense... because I'm a wuss and too scared to tell him the truth.


The thing is now I really want to get back with my ex boyfriend- but I hurt him so badly that I just don't know if I can be with him again, especially if I change my mind and end up hurting him even more.


The other thing is.. I'm kind of still attracted to guy 2. He is everything my boyfriend is, as well as a few extra things I've been missing in guy 1. But... I don't know if it's that I really fell in love with guy 1 or that I really like him still, or it's just the security of a relationship that I'm after... I kind of want them both equally, but even if I went for guy 2, I don't think he's too keen on a relationship (he was in one for 2 and a half years and I don't believe he's really looking)


So... yeah and, also, all three of us will be at a party together on Friday night that there is absolutely no way I can get out of (because I'm supporting my best friend who really needs me) and I don't know how to act or what to say.. I'm a little messed up and I've thought a lot about this- I'm really thinking of just getting away (somewhere- ANYWHERE) for a bit but... I don't know.



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Leave your ex-boyfriend alone. If you care about him at all you'll realise he deserves better than this. You don't even know if you actually want to be with him or just want "the security of a relationship" (e.g. anyone will do); plus you admit you still like guy2. That isn't fair at all!


I'm not going to judge you so don't take this as a personal attack, but you had your shot with him and you blew it! Let him find happiness with another girl.

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