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My third date in 5 years (This is totally messed up!!!!)


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I felt that I should share this experience with all of you because it is just so cold and so wrong, it deserves a place in history. I let a friend talk me into going out with a lady that he worked with. She seemed nice, so I figured why not?


The whole evening she kept making fun of me because my hand was shaking. Asking me why I was so nervous and telling me to grow up. To make a long story short, about 3 months ago I was diagnosed with parkinson's disease, AND SHE KNEW IT!!!!!!!! Everybody knows it. I've been on a medication called azilect, but it does not always work.


I don't think I will be going out with her again.

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Oh wow... is it possible that you mentioned the diagnosis but that she didn't know what Parkinson's is? I mean, then she'd just be dim as opposed to awful...


I just don't see how anyone could do that. I guess people are surprising sometimes.


Considering that they work at a doctor's office, that is unlikely.

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I'm not sorry it happened. It is things like this that define us. It did bother me, but not as much as you would think. The person I really feel sorry for is her. I am a rather docile person, who would rather resort to sarcasm then to violence. I CANNOT speak for the next man she does that to.

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