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I'm feeling so terrible now only god knows.


I have a a fren at school who i finally i can admit that i like.


Let's call him L


He's someone who has been staring at me for no reason (i'm not bragging here, but it's facts. I honestly thought there's something wrong with me that ONLY he can see and no one else can) but has only recently be-friended me after being in class with him for over a year.


A fren of his told me that he WAS pretty interested in me. He asked for my number through this fren of his, called me up a couple of times (i was literally mute whenever he call), exchange smses, borrowed stuffs from me, calling me his princess , and he's got this nickname he always use on me.


It's really complex because there's this other guy, who is a fren of his, but not really close, who erm..showed interest in me as well. When L found out he was like "What? Is he disturbing you? I'll bash him up!"


He's been really nice to me, but i normally get all nervous when he will come and talk to me. So what i normally do is, i will PRETEND not to see him and will only talk to him if he talk to me first. I know it's stupid, but i'm really nervous.


But lately, he hasn't been speaking to me. He will talk to someone else whenever i walk past him or something. I know i should have said hi or something..


So does this mean he has finally given up on me, this unapproachable moron? And did he ever really like me to start of with??


What should i do to let him know that, i don't hate him or anything, I'm just very very nervous.


He's a really nice guy and i'm just to nervous and shy.


Please help me out here. I've finally really like someone.

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coming from a guys point of view, if the girl i am madly in love with just walks right past me, without even a glance, i would think that she doesnt like me at all, and in fact is trying to ignore me.


This girl at my school i used to like always came up and gave me hugs whenever she saw me. For a guy that is a HUGE bonus to show that you care. In fact she gave me a whole lot more confidence in talking and meeting girls.


My advice is to put your fears aside, and just go give the guy a fat hug the next time you see him. Do that everytime you say hello and in return he will start to give you hugs as well. Calling the guy once in awhile would help a lot too, and things will move on from there

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I agree with what other people have said earlier. From what you have mentioned, it seems that this guy's been interested in you for quite some time.

Setbacks like this would usually result in such a response in such a relationship. What has happened seems to be somthing short-term. If he really likes you (which I am pretty sure is the case), he'll get normal with you if you try to talk to him, give him some indications about your feelings for him.

This is how it goes for the girl I like. Its this indirect communication that really talks. When she does something that I don't like and I get really mad and stop demonstrating I like her, she only needs to change her attitude to make me like her again, because she know that deep in my heart I do like her and all that was really a short term thing. This was just to give you a guy's perspective on the matter, somthing to make you feel how he might be feeling and how you might react now. Hope it helps... I tried really hard to write what I mean but I just feel like I didn't express it correctly.


PS can you give me some feedback on if you easily understood the point I am trying to make here cuz I think I am losing my communication skills.




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Hey flipd,


Practically the same thing happened to me...I almost feel like I wrote your post. Except I haven't talked to this guy for about 3-4 months--I only see him weekends though (at work). I knew he liked me from the signs he gave off but I'd get so nervous and would walk right by him instead of saying hi. Now he only sometimes looks at me, if at all. And I'm still too shy to do anything about it because I think I lost my chance.


So don't do what I did. Next time you see him say "Hi & How's it going" with a smile--don't postpone it like some ppl...

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He's been really nice to me, but i normally get all nervous when he will come and talk to me. So what i normally do is, i will PRETEND not to see him and will only talk to him if he talk to me first. I know it's stupid, but i'm really nervous.

But lately, he hasn't been speaking to me. He will talk to someone else whenever i walk past him or something. I know i should have said hi or something..

Yeah, this to guys means "she's not interested", especially if you too have talked to each other before, which you have.

But it seems he is doing the same thing. I know I've done it. Sometimes when this girl I was crushing on would be in the general area of me I would start trying to talk someone. Not to sure why I do it, I think I did it so I just wouldn't be there looking at her while she's talking to her friends, though I guess it doesn't work to well as I usually do that anyways. Maybe it's alos something to do with appearing buzy and she's not everythign on my mind, though she was.

But usually if she was near me I would talk to her, so I wasn't exactly trying to ignore her.

I kinda pissed her off one day when everyone was pissing her off, and she basically stopped talkign to me from then. I didn't knwo why, but obviosuly walkign past me and not saying hi or even looking at me, sitting a foot away and not one word, meant that she didn't liek me at that period of time.(We kinda resolved that issue now)


So does this mean he has finally given up on me, this unapproachable moron? And did he ever really like me to start of with??

Ok, I don't know if he's given up on you. Some guys try to avoid the people they like because either they are nervous, or wish to stop crushing on them. Maybe he thinks your not interested in him, and so having a crush on you is pointless and wants to get rid of it.

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I you blush in front of him, and move you move your foot around, He will notice your shy.....even better tell him your kinda shy and you like him...


And then that will be his Q, he will start making all the moves, but thats just a start, later suck in that shyness and make your own moves.


It always turns me on when a girl blushes at me, and make me engage even more.

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PS can you give me some feedback on if you easily understood the point I am trying to make here cuz I think I am losing my communication skills.





I understand what you mean really. I see nothing wrong with your communication skill honey.


It's really sweet that i receive response from this forum pretty quickly. Thanks.


Ok an update on my situation.


I sent him a forwarded message on friday, which of course he didn't reply.


Was still feeling like crap on Sat afternoon (thanks to him) when my phone rang. Guess who! Hehe. He actually called me up after not talking to me for a while. Very surpirse. Still wondering why i didn't choke on my words.


He was asking stuff about school, which i thought was pretty weird as we were no longer in the same course. Anyhow, i didn't get to talk to him much as i was sitting right next to my dad in the car! Well i told him i'm not sure about his queries, so i asked him to call up a fren of mine instead. A mistake on my part? Wish i could keep him on the line longer....


But still, it made me feel really..er..smiley!

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