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hey my name is jacob i was born a male but wit no male organ my parents raised me as a gurl but inside of me i knew i am a guy im 16 now my gurl wnts to have sex wit me but how? i have no male organ one thing i dnt wanna do is tell her i dnt have a male organ cuz i love her very much. help me out plz thnx bye

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The first thing I thought when I read this was, "nobody deserves that." I don't have a whole lot of great advice. I'm sorry...it must be hard. Espicially when you are 16. You can tell your girlfriend that you aren't ready for sex and to hold off on it for awhile until you are ready to tell her...or tell her now. If she cares about you and loves you...she will look past that. Love means seeing beyond the flaws. I'm sorry I wasn't alot of help.





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I watched this ricky TV thingy... a woman was dressed as a guy and he had a girlfriend... they had sex... but how?


what happened was they had sex in the dark and the wannabe man put on a strap right before they had sex...



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Hey there Jacob


I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. I don't think that anybody that reads your posting will ever be able to understand or be able to relate to what you are really going through.


What I would like to say though... I believe that once you have found your true love, that you will be able to compromise your situation. There are still ways for you to enjoy sex and to bring pleasure each other. I would wait a while though and not just jump into bed with the first girl you find. You need to be sure that the person you are with is going to understand your situation and will be a support to you.


The only reason why I'm saying that you should wait until you're a bit older is because you do stand a chance of being hurt if things go wrong. You are still young and still have time to find someone who's going to be a support to you, someone you can trust.


If you feel that this girl that you're with is going to offer you support and trust, maybe try testing it out at first... speak to her, but only if you feel confident. If you see she starts acting weird towards you, know that she's not offering genuine love... and in the long run she'll cause you hurt.


I hope that I've been able to help in some small way... Be strong & good luck!

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