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Time to move on... Again!

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Last night I saw my ex... we've been talking a lot lately... all initiated by her. It all sounded like US before... but the reality was, we're still not together.


I'm going on vacation to Colombia and I wanted to see her before i left... every time i asked her to come over or something, she had an excuse... So i said screw it! Won't even bother anymore. Then she came last night... I couldn't do this anymore... Couldn't pretend that it was all ok with me when it wasn't.


We had sex after break up... make out and stuff every time we see each other... but i need more. I told her that's it for me! I'm letting you go and it's time for me to move on! Told her not to bother texting or calling as i won't reply or answer... It's over! The ball is in her court. If she wants to talk about us... that's the only reason i'll Talk to her.


I was excited about the trip, but now i feel depressed, anxious and sad at the same time. I'll miss her! Heck, I've been missing her for the past 2 months, even the times i was with her... But I have to move on! I HAVE TO!!!


She still texted and called, i ignored it! She can't have her cake and eat it too. Relationship without the label is not something i want. I hope that this trip at least helps a little and gets me out of the funk i'm in. 10 days away... then when i come back... hope it's not square 1

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Thanks all! Yes... the relationship without label is not something i'm interested in! She doesn't know what she wants... but one thing was clear, and i told her the same thing: It's certain that you don't want me.


I have to try so hard now... I really, really do.


Today, it feels like day one of break-up. Anxiety and all... Missing her, the thoughts of us... Ah... The long road again, yet again!


Thanks again all

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