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She was everything to me...


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sorry to hear that you are going through so much pain. well the only thing you can do is to give yourself some time, i know it hurts. i'm still in pain and it has been alomst three months since it happened. i can tell you for sure do not call her, it will make things only worst. i made that mistake and i regret it.




good luck

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"she was everything to me.."

i heard that i thousand times.. some are true.. but most of them are not..

take note of what you've jsut said... "she WAS everything to me.."

many times that you thought so.. and you'll gonna say that again the next time you fall in love again and lose again..

the point is.. although i am not 100% sure, most of the time it's just over load of emotions..

thinking of what went or what you should have done over and over again will not help you precisely.. i think it's not a matter of letting her go or winning him again.. it's just a matter of accepting what's "can be" and "can't be".. when you come to accept it.. you'll be able to move on..

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now i kno that i might not be old enuf to asses real love when it comes along but even tho im 15 i fell in love with a guy to...he was great...better then any dream or fantasy of a guy i had ever had...but he didnt want me for some reason...but what i realized is that by loving someone u want them to be happy no matter what it takes...even if it means no being with you...so in a closeing note i understand how u feel and yes suicide is dumb but u have to deal with the fact that in her later years shes the one whos going to regret her actions and have to hang on to the fact that she left something that was true and real in that now moment...hope i helped

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I once was with a Girl who WAS everything to me. We Dated for three years! Then one day she broke my heart. I cried and felt hopeless. I spent the next three years getting over her. I asked myself, How or where would I ever meet another girl who would make me nearly as happy? Then one day I met her. We spent the next 10 years together and they were the best of my life. I actually was glad the first girl broke up with me. If she hadn't then I would of never found the happiness I did with the new girl. You don't feel it right now. You may not even feel it for a while. But Trust me...... the day will come when you feel happier then ever with some girl you haven't even met yet. She's out there and the two of you will meet. Guaranteed!





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