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Not sure what I want anymore..


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I broke up with my ex on Monday (1st), a day after our 10 months. I did it because he was flirting with a girl who had caused us to break up once before along with a few other things. I know I'm stupid but I regret it now. My friend who still has him on facebook said they haven't spoken on facebook at all since the break up, which is something he said in his defence that they never talk anymore. I'm starting feel like I made a mistake by breaking up with him for the flirting with he denied as being flirting. But then again, he was doing something I didn't like and refused to even compromise whereas I always have in the past.


He doesn't miss me, I can just tell and it's tearing me apart. He asked for his stuff straight away when we broke up. I feel like telling him I'm going to start a bonfire and chuck all his stuff in it and he's welcome to sit on top too. I have no idea why I'm so bitter


We also have a trip booked together at the end of the year and I feel like asking him to come with me just a friends. I know he won't, but I feel like I need to ask. The tickets are non refundable and can't have name changes either.


I'm not sure what to do, I feel like I total mess and am about to break down. Last time I went through 6 weeks of NC except for a text asking for his stuff back and him sending me a picture once. I never thought he'd come back, but he did. He came back because he was the dumper. I'm the dumper this time but I can't go crawling back because I did the right thing. I wonder if he will ever come back

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Well let me start You need to look within yourself to see if there is some issue with insecurities if he was just flirting was it that much of an issue Do You NOT trust him for other reason(s) as long as it an innocent thing and not blown up and you and He knows that you are no ONE. He may have done it on purpose to get your reaction and you reacted maybe the way he expected and when you broke up with him he expected. Is he currently dating this other young lady If not he didnt want her he was just trying to get a rise out of you. Hopefully you two will rekindle your relationship and next time sit down and tell him your expectations of your relationship and if his flirting bothers you to the point of a jealous rage let him know you dont appreciate those actions especially in your present and pls dont do it again

Good luck!!!

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I have insecurities because he has flirted with the same girl in the past and he broke up with me for her. He was emotionally cheating on me that time but after we broke up they never got together and he realized that I was what he wanted and came back. Ever since then I've had trust and jealousy issues, so it's definitely justified.


He isn't currently dating her but I'm not sure how to even talk to him now. He isn't known for his communication skills. I don't want to break NC and talk to him. Is it wishful thinking hoping he will come and talk to me?

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Yes, it is wishful thinking, but it's something we all do.


You did the right thing, and you know it.


I have these moments where I regret it sooo much and just want to go crawling back and then moments where I'm like ehh whatever, his loss. It's such a rollercoaster..

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Hmmm. What do you consider cheating? I know typically men (younger ones who don't get it mostly) wouldn't consider it cheating if it was just emotional. For them it's mostly physical, so he probably doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. That being said, you have talked to him about it and he's not respecting your wishes. I think that's enough said right there. Give it some time, clear your head and then decide what you want to do. Not much point in overanalyzing now, although I know you will


If you think you did the right thing and thought this through, then don't worry about it. If you think you were rash (doesn't sound like it), then this might just be a bump in the road. It does sound like you guys have issues that BOTH of you need to address and be willing to work with. Otherwise it's not worth it.

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