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We've met up to discuss things but what now?


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So tonight we met up to discuss things after our fall out which lasted 2 weeks. I have to say although we sorted out the falling out im still not 100% sure if we sorted out other things. For example hes made it very clear from the beginning that sports and friends are very important to him, this leaves us with not much time together although he has said I am also his priority but sometimes it doesnt feel like that. We have been together 9 months and I feel that if he didnt want to be with me he would get out but he didnt and said he still wants us to be together.

I really care for him but feel that I just need a bt more from him. Has anyone else ever had a situation like this and have things ever changed ?

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The best way I have seen things change is to take a longer break than 2 weeks with the dumpee promising change and following through with it. Sounds like you are doing things on his terms and it will remain this way unless he think he is going to lose you and cares enough about it to try to stop it.

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