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Attract her...?


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Hi, im 13 and i need a few tips on attracting a girl. I am not sure whether she likes me. She laughs a lot at stuff i say, and she and i played a few games( i.e. toys) and flirted. She talks alot about this boy in her class in middle school. She says he is very cute. How can i attract her/get her attention, but not seem to pay TOO much attention so she won't get tired of me. Me and her live in different states, but i have met her 3 times, and will soon be meeting her again in the summer like 2 more times . How can i make the most of these few times i meet her, and try to get her to like me. ( im in the process of getting her phone# and aim sn)


any kind of tips would be helpful, thx!

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I would just to get know her interests more, and be very friendly. I would take things slow, and be yourself and just think of her as a friend. Then just casually ask her for her phone number, and anything else you need to keep in contact with her. Good luck!

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