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How to know if a very shy guys likes you?! Details included**


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There is this guy i like in one of my classes, he is really shy and i wanted to know shy guy signs like the signs that they could like you?

some things he does:

-Doesn't talk to me

-looks at me in class and when i look at him and he looks away fast.

-looks at me from a distance in the hall

-has fixes his hair before he looked at me

-his brother looks at me quite often and doesn't look away like my crush does

-sometimes it seems like he is avoiding me but i think I'm just paranoid

-there have been a few times where it really looked like he was looking at me feet

-there was this one time where i passed him and his brother and his brother looked pretty much continuously and my crush looked up and then when i looked he looked down, then when i was about to go around the corner i looked up and they were both looking and my crush looked down really fast.


Could this mean he likes me?

What other signs should i look for?


we're both 16 and both very shy.


I'm actually really scared to talk to him.

I hate that tho cuz i really want to just say hi(name) how are you

but it's hard, really hard

any advice for this as well?


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Do you sit next to each other in class? If so, just write "Hi and see how he reacts. If he smiles and sends you something back, you're good to go!


He did sit in beside me on an angle but up further, but then this kid took my spot now there is someone in-between us

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