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where to go from here, need some advice please!


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I said something i totally regret to my boyfriend on monday and since then he wont speak to me. I accused him of only being after me for one thing, which i know is not the case but i got a feeling into my head and in the heat of the moment accused him.

Ive tried calling twice and this morning have sent a text asking to meet up tomorrow for a catch up. If i get no response what do i do next? i guess theres nothing i can do and will just have to give up.

Im totally gutted this has happened. I have in the past vented my feelings and he has gone intp his own little cave but the not talking has never lasted this long!

Has anyone ever had a similar expierience?

thanks x

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I know exactly what you mean.

I once had a go at my boyfriend for almost the exact same thing and he did the exactly what your boyfriend has done.


It was that reaction that made me realise he wasn't after me for one thing - if he was he wouldn't have been so insulted. Do you see what I mean?


The fact that your boyfriend has been so insulted means that he cares an awful lot for you and that, in turn, means that he will be willing to listen to your apologies and, more likely than not, accept them.


Just let him cool off for a bit and if he still doesn't pick up the phone - go round to his house. An apology will mean an awful lot more if he can see how regretful you are rather than just a 'sorry' text or saying it over the phone.


I'm sure it will all work out but if you care for him that much then you should never give up - there are always things you can do.


Good luck honey x

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